Busy busy

I cant belive something is going on all the time. Yesterday we finished the container up to the organising of the boxes. We were waiting for a few things from our friends in Dubai that they wanted to fit in the container and now we have to try to make everything as evenly high as possible so things dont move around.

Today as been as busy, first we went for some more vaccinations, then off to the shipping company for some paperwork and then we had a look through the whole house one last time to make sure all small things were packed for the container. At the same time I cleaned the floors, hadnt been done properly in ages since we had boxes and things all over the place. Right now Im taking a break while the washingmachine is washing the floor cloths. R installed the new dishwasher and had to go get a few things before we can try running it (empty) for a first time. Fingers crossed tomorrow will be a bit more relaxed.


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