To anyone reading the enligsh part of the blog, if you ever meet any of my in-laws out and about, please do not tell them anything about the blog. Here is where I write what´s in my heart and its not always for them to know.
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Our last day in Malta
We spent our last day in Malta at Splash and Fun, the kids had such a great time and didnt want to go home. J claimed she hadnt played at all and wanted to stay even though we had been there from 9am till 4.30pm! :)

Kids playtower

R and J coming down the slide

R and A at full speed

R under the water here, anything to keep J above :)

"Lazy River" was a good activity for me to do with the kids :)

One last trip down the yellow (faster) slide before going home

Kids playtower

R and J coming down the slide

R and A at full speed

R under the water here, anything to keep J above :)

"Lazy River" was a good activity for me to do with the kids :)

One last trip down the yellow (faster) slide before going home

When we had visitors here we went to the beach, too cold for me to get in the water, but A and R swam. Kids really enjoyed playing in the sand.

A normal thursday...
...and R was inspired and we decided to bbq on the roof. It was really good and a success up until R managed to tip the bbq over, dropping our chicken (for salad the following day) and charchoal all over his feet!

Some coffee at Tigne


....and after chocolate cake, guess if it was good? ;)
Easter picnic
On Easter eve we went to Buskett for a picnic, lovely weather and the easter rooster (we dont have a bunny in sweden, but a rooster) that grandma thought she heard on the plane had ineed visited Malta. With swedish candy in the eggs!!

J resting after lunch

First egg found!

A total of four (!) eggs, two each

What´s inside?

J resting after lunch

First egg found!

A total of four (!) eggs, two each

What´s inside?

Lunch at Mirabelle
My mum here on visit, here we are having lunch at one of our fav restaurants, Mirabelle in Bugibba

Baking figolli (plural of figolla), a kind of cake filled with ground almond and sugar is a maltese easter tradition. R baked with the kids and here is how it went down

Fresh from the oven

Decorating with icing

Happy daddy decorating (A taking the photo)

Guess who tastes the icing? :P

Fresh from the oven

Decorating with icing

Happy daddy decorating (A taking the photo)

Guess who tastes the icing? :P
One day we decided to go exploring a bit on the rocks near the sea, it was a lovely day and here we stopped for a drink.

The carneval has come and gone. "Party" at school and a visit to Valletta to check out the floats.
Here are some pics of my sweet viking and Peppa Pig.

Here are some pics of my sweet viking and Peppa Pig.

Check this out!
Christmas holidays
On the day that the kids finished school we had great weather, really hot and we even had to remove our cardigans! Therefore we decided to go to Valletta for a "coffee" and wait for the dark so we could enjoy the Christmas lights and finish off with dinner on one of our fav restaurants, Avenue.

The picture is not doing justice to the amazing contrasts we had outside that morning. The sun shining on the pale limestone and the pitch black clouds in the background.

Playing at Ta Qali
Fed up with maltese
Right now Im feeling a bit fed up with maltese. Obvisouly not everyone is the same but they really drive me insane at times. Christmas gathering at parents in law yesterday, therefore this annoyance (is that even a word?) Would have loved to get away for a bit, dont like it when you have to watch your mouth all the time.
Gingerbread house!
On Wednesday I put together the gingerbread house I bought ready made from Candynavia on Sunday. Thought it would be really xmassy and the plan was to decorate it yesterday with the kids. When I woke up in the morning though I saw to mine (and A's) dissapointment that Malta and gingerbread houses are not a good combo.Iit had gone soft with the humidity and was showing signs of falling. R got the dehumidifier to try if it could save it but no, this morning it had fallen completely and looked like this.....

Even the burnt sugar (used as edible glue) had melted! what a dissapointment. At least I learnt something, from now on gingerbread houses will only be enjoyed in Sweden.
Today we went to Buskett for a walk and picnic or "nicnic" as J calls it. The sun was shining and it was really warm but the xmas feeling is far far away. Here is how beautiful it was

A watching the orange trees

Kids showing off autumn leafs

Pictue doesnt make justice of the view, it was amazing

A watching the orange trees

Kids showing off autumn leafs

Pictue doesnt make justice of the view, it was amazing

Quick update
On sat we had A´s birthdayparty, it was really stressful up to it, just like we thought with R´s simulator sessions in Amsterdam so close to it. Party for a girl in his class on friday, cleaning, shopping and baking right up until the end! The party went well, kids had fun and JP did a good job to keep the kids entertained. If all kids had been 4 years old it could have been better but he did the best he could and really tried to involv all the kids as much as possible. J was sooo excited and ran around calling out "happy birthday" whenever someone came and before any guests arrived she had wet herself so we had to change her party outfit before anyone even saw her! Sunday was recovery day and today back to school. We have painted some plaster shapes that A got for his birthday from JP & D. Now its getting time to prepare dinner so they kids can go to bed on time. R is working and Im looking forward to a nice relaxed evening. Tomorrow Im going to be back to exercising again after being sick and without anyone to take care of kids for me.
Scooters and playing
Last tuesday we went out to play with the scooters, here are some pics

On your marks, get set.....

one competition going on

Banana break in the sun

The other one in she shade

On your marks, get set.....

one competition going on

Banana break in the sun

The other one in she shade

Skola sport
Today is skola sport day, im hoping for good weather so they can be outside...Check out what a lovely view they have from the grounds