As if they read my post of last night about the bed being too small for the two of them this is what I found when I came up tonight!
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After the kids spend a night in A´s bed, R told A that tonight J is not allowed in your bed. I guess he didnt want a repeat of a few weeks ago when they spent lots of time roaming about before finally falling asleep (in A´s bed) and that was sweet and all but they it got too hot for them and they didnt sleep very well (they still have the kid size beds). When I came up to get something I found them in J´s bed, A reading yet another bedtime story for her and telling me that if they were not allowed to sleep in his bed, they´d sleep in hers :D Sweethearts!
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Riding a bike
can be a huge challange when you are learning. We have been trying and trying to teach A how to ride his bike but as always he cant take instructions from his parents. He ends up screaming and crying and you can barely communicate with him. J is the same, I tried to teach her letters to prepare her for school after summer but it was impossible, 10 seconds later she had no idea what letter we had been looking at and talking about but in a matter of a couple of weeks she now knows all the letters thanks to her nursery teacher! My mum has managed to teach them some valueable lessons in life like spitting out the toothpaste instead of swollowing so to go back to the subject of riding a bike I was hoping that my mum could help him out with this during her visit. I was proven right when on the first day he was already riding on his own! Since then we try to practice a little every day and the biggest difference is that now that he knows how to do it he WANTS to for a ride instead of us more or less forcing him to go out.
Sometimes he ends up like this but the strange thing is that he doesnt get angry and annoyed, he just gets up to try again!
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Best of brothers
This evening when it was time to eat J complained about a tummy ache and didnt want to eat so she stayed resting on the sofa until I heard what sounded like a burb. Ran in and found her throwing up :( Poor thing.Good thing we got a sofa with washable covers though ;) Got her cleaned up and straight to bed and while the adults finished our meal A stayed on the bed with J reading to her. Such a sweet and loving brother <3
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My hearts
The other night when I went to bed I went to check on the kids and I started with J. Her bed was empty and I thought to myself "guess she has already come into our bed then". Went to check but no J to be found. Where could she be? I found her in her brother´s bed. This is how sweet they were.

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My scooter....
...or how to be rude to your friend.
To re-connect to the whole "keep your husband on a short leash" theme I wanted to share this story to show how J already has it figured out. I think J has a bit of a crush on a guy in her class at nursery. She always talks about K and whenever she is asked who her friends are she mentions him first. The other day when I went to pick her up I brought her scooter to make the walk home faster. I arrived to nursery at the same time as K´s father, parked the scooter by the entrance and went to get J. When we came out again K was checking out the scooter and when J saw this she shouted "NO! That is my scooter" Poor K was totally shocked and got off it as quickly as he could and I also think he got a bit afraid/hurt so while they went to get his backpack I told J about the importance to share, even the things that are our own, that K was sad and that it was not a nice thing to do to a friend etc. Then I suggested that she would go tell K that he could try her scooter from the nursery to the parking as an excuse. At first she didnt want but I managed to convince her and she went up to a still upset K that was complaining to his dad. Stubborn as the best female he refused to use the scooter as "she said no" etc. His dad tried to convince him by saying that that was cause its not allowed to ride scooters inside but outside its fine but the boy was not stupid. "I will not be J´s friend, EVER" he said. The dad laughed and added "until tomorrow morning". Anyways we went seperate ways when they headed to their car and we started walking home but as they drove passed us K was standing up in the car with half his body outside through the sunroof (the safety and stupidity in that will not be discussed here, it deserves a whole post at a later stage) waving and calling "bye J" over and over. Now it was J´s turn to be stubborn, he just looked the other way and refued to wave back! I lauged to myself and said they are like an old married couple!
To re-connect to the whole "keep your husband on a short leash" theme I wanted to share this story to show how J already has it figured out. I think J has a bit of a crush on a guy in her class at nursery. She always talks about K and whenever she is asked who her friends are she mentions him first. The other day when I went to pick her up I brought her scooter to make the walk home faster. I arrived to nursery at the same time as K´s father, parked the scooter by the entrance and went to get J. When we came out again K was checking out the scooter and when J saw this she shouted "NO! That is my scooter" Poor K was totally shocked and got off it as quickly as he could and I also think he got a bit afraid/hurt so while they went to get his backpack I told J about the importance to share, even the things that are our own, that K was sad and that it was not a nice thing to do to a friend etc. Then I suggested that she would go tell K that he could try her scooter from the nursery to the parking as an excuse. At first she didnt want but I managed to convince her and she went up to a still upset K that was complaining to his dad. Stubborn as the best female he refused to use the scooter as "she said no" etc. His dad tried to convince him by saying that that was cause its not allowed to ride scooters inside but outside its fine but the boy was not stupid. "I will not be J´s friend, EVER" he said. The dad laughed and added "until tomorrow morning". Anyways we went seperate ways when they headed to their car and we started walking home but as they drove passed us K was standing up in the car with half his body outside through the sunroof (the safety and stupidity in that will not be discussed here, it deserves a whole post at a later stage) waving and calling "bye J" over and over. Now it was J´s turn to be stubborn, he just looked the other way and refued to wave back! I lauged to myself and said they are like an old married couple!
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Double bed
Today when we talked about Dubai and his worry I told him how he will feel at home in Dubai, how we will decorate his room with the pirate wall stickers we bought and his bed from Malta. Then I said he is growing so fast he soon wont fit in it and we will need to buy him a new, bigger bed soon. A little later A asked me where will mormor (my mum) stay when she comes to visit? I told him that we plan on buying a day/sofabed like we had in Malta. He replied that we can buy a double bed for him so she can sleep in his bed! He is so caring he sometimes makes my heart ache.
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Dear J...
Even though the kids drive me insane at times most of the time they are sweet and make me smile. I forgot to mention what J told me while we were in the changingroom in Falun as I tried on the different outfits:
"You look so nice mommy" and "My mom is a princess"
Not really what I feel, but its nice to hear someone say it :)
"You look so nice mommy" and "My mom is a princess"
Not really what I feel, but its nice to hear someone say it :)
<3 <3 <3
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Like father like daughter!
J is certainly R´s daughter able to sleep anywhere...

This happened after she fell asleep on my lap and when I woke her up I told her to go help A and my mum in the basement where they were sorting the recycling. She sat down on top of the stairs and called for them but apparently didnt have the energy to go down and it ended up like this :)

This happened after she fell asleep on my lap and when I woke her up I told her to go help A and my mum in the basement where they were sorting the recycling. She sat down on top of the stairs and called for them but apparently didnt have the energy to go down and it ended up like this :)
Funny comment
Today when I had just poured the pasta in the pan A came in the kitchen and told me, dead serious:
Mum, if my tummy doesnt get food NOW I will die!
How I laughed and gave him a big hug <3
Mum, if my tummy doesnt get food NOW I will die!
How I laughed and gave him a big hug <3
Birthday pictures
J 3 years old

Birthday cake already at 8.15 am!

Our own Rapunzel :)

Birthday cake already at 8.15 am!

Our own Rapunzel :)

3 years old
Today our little one turned 3....its crazy how time flies! She woke up last this morning and I told her to go back to bed so we could come sing for her. She was slightly offended when we came in and didnt want to look up when we came in with the presents sining. She got lots of presents, everything on the princess theme. Princess crown, dress, books cushion etc. As she wanted to we took her to a restaurant to eat lunch.
This year was a year full of growth for her, she started "school" and even though we had some problems leaving her in the beginning she has enjoyed it a lot. She started suttering, or getting stuck on words when she talks. It comes a goes a bit and we hope it will pass soon. She has not yet learnt to listen to me or her dad, according to her teachers she listens to them and her granny says both kids are sooo well behaved, but at home....She drives me insane some times when she pretends not to hear. I can see a cheeky smile on her lips so its obvious she knows she is doing wrong. All I can do is insist and hope she will grow out of it soon :D
This year was a year full of growth for her, she started "school" and even though we had some problems leaving her in the beginning she has enjoyed it a lot. She started suttering, or getting stuck on words when she talks. It comes a goes a bit and we hope it will pass soon. She has not yet learnt to listen to me or her dad, according to her teachers she listens to them and her granny says both kids are sooo well behaved, but at home....She drives me insane some times when she pretends not to hear. I can see a cheeky smile on her lips so its obvious she knows she is doing wrong. All I can do is insist and hope she will grow out of it soon :D
Regardless of her stubbornness (where did she get that from? ehm) she is a very sweet and loving little girl and we lover her more and more each day. <3
Mother´s day concert
Last sunday was mother´s day in Malta and as usual the mothers of the pre-nursery childred were invited for a mother´s day concert the friday before. Just as was the case for the christmas concert J spent most of the time looking astonished but after a while joined the others doing the movements to the songs before it was time for the kids to present their mothers with presents they made themselves <3

Since I havent found a hairdresser that I feel cut A´s hair well enough I do it myself, with a machine. Even though R thinks its a bit short, and says he looks like a hooligan, I like it. I love how his beautiful eyes really come out when his hair is so short.

So beautiful when they sleep
Kids are so beautiful and peaceful when they sleep, I can stay looking at them forever!

Cheeky monkeys :)
Here are some pics of my cheeky monkeys in our bed one early morning, enjoy!

And here is another one of little J, I love her eyes!

And here is another one of little J, I love her eyes!

My little sweetheart
These pictures were taken in March. After we had put the kids to bed we could hear someone in the corridor but we decided to ignore it thinking whoever it was would come talk to us or go to bed, but we were wrong. When we went in the corridor we found little J sleeping on the floor! If you look closely you can see that she wet herself and Im guessing that what happened was that she came out to wee but for some reason didnt come to tell us, finally slept in the corridor and then wet herself, she wasnt even cold when we found her <3

Lovely children
I put J to bed in the pushchair from the start tonight, she still coughs a lot and I felt it was useless to try in bed. When I said goodnight and left them I heard A speaking for a long time so I tip toed throught the corridor to hear what was going on. I hear him talking about letters and when I peep into the bedroom I see how he pulled the pushchair near him in bed and probably he is using books showing her what the letters are and describing how to write them ("sleeping soldier", "straight soldier", "big belly" "slide", "bridge in the middle" etc. How it warmed my heart! <3
Are you hungry?
A was really funny today btw. We were on our way home from school, windows down and in one place there were no cars and we did get some speed.
A: "wow mummy how windy it is"
A (again): Are you driving fast?
Me: yes, quite fast
A: Are you hungry mummy?
:D :D :D
A: "wow mummy how windy it is"
A (again): Are you driving fast?
Me: yes, quite fast
A: Are you hungry mummy?
:D :D :D
A on the scale
Today A went on the scale and here is our conversation
A: How much do I weigh?
Me: Almost 20 kilos!
A: Wow, that´s a lot. Like daddy!
Me (to myself): Not even close....
A: How much do I weigh?
Me: Almost 20 kilos!
A: Wow, that´s a lot. Like daddy!
Me (to myself): Not even close....