The other evening I was up chatting and webshopping with R´s brothers wife that is pregnant and due by the end of may. Exciting, of course and lots of fun so I ended up staying up longer than I should have and wrote this on my FB status "has been up waaay too late, babyshopping is too much fun :)" R´s sister has had problems with her pregnancies with lots of miscarriages and they have been checked and she got some sort of diagnos, something related to the blood and they are up to now without children. I dont remember the time perspective but a day or so later his sister had something like this on her FB status "even your own family sometimes hurt you". Of course I got concerned and wrote to her on skype to see if everything is ok and I got this reply.

"Hi, sorry for the comment that i wrote. Thanks God you have 2 lovely children and J is having one and for me none. Sometimes i am very depressed (not sometimes always) about the situation that i am in.Don't want to aruge with you but when i saw your comment I got more depressed. Sorry I know that you did't mean anything to hurt my feelings but for me it's an other dagger in my heart . I can't be happy each time someone tells me the she is having a baby. I can't be happy each time someone tells me its a girl or a boy. Once again sorry."

Seriously I think she overreacts, I can understand that its a tough time for her and that she wants to have a baby BUT that doesnt mean that I have to stop living MY life and enjoying my kids and their first cousin on the way. If I had tagged her in my fb status it would have been a whole different case, but to "accuse" me of hurting her just cause I said something that was babyrelated doesnt feel fair. She writes herself that she knows that I didnt mean to hurt her. Wouldnt it have been enough for her status to be something on the lines that life is touch sometimes or something like that and not that familymembers hurt you?

Discussed this with a friend on skype and her very wise words were these:

"of course its a crappy situation for her but you cant expect others to feel the same as you do. she could choose to stop living, but unfortunately she cant make the rest of the world feel her misery all the time. You ar always alone in your life crisis, that´s part of life. people die every day but the world doesnt stop anyway.

I think "all the time" are the keywords here. Of course we feel for them and think about their situation and even if we dont understand exactly how they feel we understand that its really hard for them when "everyone" have children or are expecting. For the same reason do we normally think carefully what words we use when they are around but I couldnt be expected to tip toe around them even when they are not in the same room just cause they have their troubles? I totally understand that its a sensitive subject but I think that if you cant handle ANYTHING babyrelated you have to cut yourself from society instead of thinking that everyone is out to get you with their every comment. What do you think?


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How hard can it be to fall asleep in an empty bed? Im a pro when it comes to avoiding going to bed when R is away and the bed is emply.....normally the soloution is to get one or both of the kids. They come every night anyway, get really happy when I tell them they can come if they want and I can sleep.


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Spring bonnet parade

Last Friday J´s nursery organised a spring bonnet parade. As always it was totally disorganised but J was happy that we came to see her and at the end that is what counts.








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...without R but with in-laws. We went to Dubai Mall for the aquarium and in the afternoon they took the kids to the pool while I relaxed.








Guess how afraid J is of the shark? :)




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Open ballet lesson

Last monday was last ballet lesson for this term and that means parents and siblings are welcome to watch. R was originally working but managed to change his flight so he could come. As usual, it was lovely to see J and her group.










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So now the in-laws are here. They arrived late tuesday night and have been here for 3 days now. They have had time to shop secret presents for R´s brother and sister, visited both kids schools, Burj Khalifa/Dubai Mall/Dancing Fountain, IKEA, Spice and gold souk,  an hour around the Creek in an Abra (traditional Dubai wooden boat), and Dubai Marina. Busy busy busy! Tomorrow R has his flight to Malta and will be away for two days, not feeling too good about that, have no idea what to do with them during this time. We´ll see what we can come up with, R has to help me make some plans today. Hopefully I will survive. Yesterday after a FULL day together I felt totally unsocial and went to be already at 8 pm, I just didnt have any more energy left. I have learnt that its really tiring spending so much time with people that are not "your own". As usual I will be back with photos as soon as I have had time to upload them :)


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Right now the in-laws are on the plane on their way to Dubai. Regardless what I feel about that I will try my best to put my feelings aside as R and the kids are very happy to see them again.


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Bread vs Muffin

Today we had some friends over and J saw me taking muffins out of the freezer. At the same time I was baking some bread (with lots of seeds) for the b´fast tomorrow and she asked me what it was. I showed her the loaf and told her I was baking bread. "I want muffin" was her reply to that :)


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On Sunday R passed his medical and he was very relieved. Now both sim and medical are done for this time around!


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After a rather bad night last night Im giving up for today, more updates should come tomorrow.


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Habtoor saturday

Today we went to the beachclub at Habtoor again. This morning we asked the kids if they wanted to go swim today they said "Yes!! where?" When I asked where they wanted to go J was quick to reply "to the slide pool" refering to the pool with the watering slide. Good thing that was what we had in mind :) We stayed until it was time for lunch and got some McDonalds take away that we ate in the car on the way home as R got a "sim support" session tonight so he needed to rest. Me and the kids relaxed with some Mary Poppins and finished off with some rounds of Uno.

Banana break

Kids under 16 years are not allowed in the jacuzzi but to make up for it they have this lovely bubble section in the normal pool. Kids loved it!

When we came home I found J sleeping, holding on to her Happy Meal box with food still in her mouth! My poor little thing...I guess that says something about how tiring our morning in the sun was!


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Today A was invited to a birthday party at a classmate (and one of his favourite friends) and since R was supposed to be working J had been allowed to come too. It was a lovely party at Arabian Ranches with a great animator and both kids had a blast. It was lovely to see how A looked after his sister, sitting next to her when it was time to eat, helping her waiting in line for her "tattoo" and finally sharing his party bag with her. The poor mum hosting the party mentioned that there were a total of 7 unexpected brothers and sisters at the party and that she was hoping she´d have enough food for everyone. Seriously, how do you show up at a party with your child´s sibling without having talked to the host/ess first? I say its rude and cheeky! As it turned out they had to emergency arrange some goodie bags but J had already been refused one and was quite sad about it. Had I not been told that it was under control I would have prepared a party bag for her myself and now she was not getting one! Now I felt annoyed on my behalf too for the inconsiderate parents showing up with uninvited children. In the end J got a bag but some panic arose for the birthday boy´s parents when they realised they wouldnt have enough...I mean, what do you do? Start checking who had rsvp´d and only give bags to them?


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We started watching a BBC documentary called "Frozen planet" and there were Orcas hunting. Such beatiful animals, and it brought back memories of our honeymoon. What a lovely time! I consider myself lucky to have seen these animals in real life <3


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Yesterday temperatures went up to 41 degrees and tonight at 7.45 pm it was still 33 degrees.....slightly too early for this heat if you ask me!


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Girls b´fast

The last few days aboslutely NOTHING has happened worth writing about since I have spent my days inside taking care of the sick men in my life. R is still not fully recovered and went to see a doctor today for a sick certificate.

Today I was meant to have "the girls" over for b´fast but due to the gastrics I had to postpone so another girl hosted today. Since I concluded I should have been sick by now if I was going to get it I went and had a lovley time as always. Next week its my turn and Im looking forward!


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Just read this article on Times of Malta and its about time that the maltese realise how embarrassing they are when they name their children with someone (famous) surname. If you want to honour someone, at least choose their first name!


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When transfering the waffle pics from Rs phone I found some pics from earlier this month, enjoy!

Swimlesson at DESS - it looks like he is going to drown but they are practising freestyle swimming

J outside our house, waiting for her crush to drive by on his bicycle :)

Kensington children listening to stories during "Book Day" (you can read more about it here)

R found this lovely terminal when arriving in Chennai Airport.

From a friend´s camera at a birthday party at our neighbours house

"can you please take a photo of me" J asked the photographer, she is anything but shy! :O


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Waffle day

Today is waffle day in Sweden, of course I wont miss any opportunity to eat waffles so dinner today was waffles. A managed two and a half while J ate three and half so considering how little they have eaten lately this was a great success.

My fav waffle, with gooseberry jam and cream

J always prefer anything chocolaty, this time nutella.


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Health update

A didnt throw up at all yesterday (apart from that night) but he had fever. When it was time to go to bed he did throw up again but I think it was more related to all the liquids he drank just before as it was only that once. Today he has been so and so, the fever has stayed. Right now I think he will stay home tomorrow too, better one day too much than too little. Plus you need some energy to be able to go to school!

R on the other hand has been feeling unwell with diarrhoea and was absolutely knocked out yesterday but he too feel a bit better today and managed to eat a bit. He is supposed to work tomorrow but I think he hasnt made up his mind yet if he is going or not.

Personally Im a bit worried that I will get it too, especially with the girls bfast coming up on wed. Dont really dare to start the shopping as Im sure I will end up getting it too. But on the other hand I cant cancel before I know Im sick!


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Woke up hearing A crying in the doorway and then a big splash. Gastric flu in the house. Lovely....or not!


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