Girls b´fast
The last few days aboslutely NOTHING has happened worth writing about since I have spent my days inside taking care of the sick men in my life. R is still not fully recovered and went to see a doctor today for a sick certificate.
Today I was meant to have "the girls" over for b´fast but due to the gastrics I had to postpone so another girl hosted today. Since I concluded I should have been sick by now if I was going to get it I went and had a lovley time as always. Next week its my turn and Im looking forward!
Today I was meant to have "the girls" over for b´fast but due to the gastrics I had to postpone so another girl hosted today. Since I concluded I should have been sick by now if I was going to get it I went and had a lovley time as always. Next week its my turn and Im looking forward!
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I know website is in Swedish but should you wish to leave a comment click where it says "0 kommentarer" (or any number of course) Then fill in your details
"Namn" - Name (tick the box if you want it to remember who you are)
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URL is pretty obvious but you dont need one to post
And finally you write whatever comment you want to post in the big box saying "Kommentar" and post it by clicking "Skicka kommentar".
