Today A was invited to a birthday party at a classmate (and one of his favourite friends) and since R was supposed to be working J had been allowed to come too. It was a lovely party at Arabian Ranches with a great animator and both kids had a blast. It was lovely to see how A looked after his sister, sitting next to her when it was time to eat, helping her waiting in line for her "tattoo" and finally sharing his party bag with her. The poor mum hosting the party mentioned that there were a total of 7 unexpected brothers and sisters at the party and that she was hoping she´d have enough food for everyone. Seriously, how do you show up at a party with your child´s sibling without having talked to the host/ess first? I say its rude and cheeky! As it turned out they had to emergency arrange some goodie bags but J had already been refused one and was quite sad about it. Had I not been told that it was under control I would have prepared a party bag for her myself and now she was not getting one! Now I felt annoyed on my behalf too for the inconsiderate parents showing up with uninvited children. In the end J got a bag but some panic arose for the birthday boy´s parents when they realised they wouldnt have enough...I mean, what do you do? Start checking who had rsvp´d and only give bags to them?
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