This and that

Very happy J got to welcome daddy home from work when we were heading to nursery one morning <3

On our way to nursery

My mum's birthday dinner, BBQ!

Is it just my kids that insist on balancing whenever there is a chance?

Cuddly J waiting for ballet lesson to start


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At the pool


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Feeling there have been a few too many accidents lately. An ex work colleague from Malta that now lives in Bahrain apparently fell down a 3 meter wall and is still sedated as her brain is swollen and they have no idea about the damage.

A friend here in Dubai had a hernia operation a few days ago and is still in lots of pain and yesterday I found out that a maltese friends sister was in a car accident and she was in intensive care again, not knowing the extent of her injuries.

Let us all take a moment to think about how lucky we are and that most of the time someone is going through a rougher time than us!


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Sandstorm...(updated with pics)

......again! This morning when I went out to the car I realised how much sand had gathered by the door and steps outside and i had to accept that we have yet another sandstorm on us. In car on the way to school sometimes I couldnt really see anything at times. Rather scary but its also cool when you see the sand "dancing" over the roads. So both kids back to school after the weekend, Im going to head to IKEA to confirm the fabric for the curtains and hopefully find a shoecabinet so we dont have to keep the shoes in banana boxes anymore :D

Doesnt show very clearly but sign says "Sandstorm, drive carefully"


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Dancing fountain

Near Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa they put a show with the "dancing fountain" and the kids love it when we take them there.


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Busy day

Today was a busy day. As usual on a Saturday and R is off we try to do something together, all of us. Most of the time it ends up being a trip to a park and today was no exception. I had left a msg on fb to a friend to see if she and her kids wanted to join us but when I had had no reply and a swede that just moved here logged on I told her what our plans were and said they were welcome to join us and they were. Just after that the first mum got back to me too and we ended up being a little group heading to Creek Park. On our way there R got an sms from one of our neighbors saying he was planning on taking his kids to a park wondering if we wanted to join so we invited him to Creek Park instead. Had a lovely morning, it was nice to spend some time with adults while the kids were playing. Lovely! When we got home a curtain maker and we decided on curtains for the livingroom, it will be great when we can close it up a bit. When R went to sleep for tonights flight I baked some bread with the kids as A is supposed to bring some for tasting to school tomorrow. It was a very simple bread, no need for kneeding or raising, perfect! The kids didnt really like it but R said it was very good. Had time to bake some banana muffins, the best way to use up brown banans :) Right now I was supposed to have some time to myself but R came up, awake way to early so now we are relaxing on the sofa, watching Bones. I hope he can rest a bit more though before heading off to work, otherwise it will be a very touch night for him.


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Here are some random pics from around Dubai.

Dubai Mall

Desert in sandstorm

The Spinneys parking in our area (great for practicing to ride a bike!), lousy visibility cause of sandstorm


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Creek Park

We obviously had to take my mum to our favourite park, Creek Park. Sandstorms around us but we took a chance that actually paid off, no problems with sand OR wind. 


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Birds in Dubai

On the way to A's school we pass some swamps with loads of flammingos. We stopped there to look at them one day from a watchtower and it was really cool.

They had binoculars to borrow and it was an impressive sight, with or without binoculars!

A man came to feed them, a total of 3 big sacks I think!

This lovely bird is a Hoopoe and they visit us often in the garden. They have a kind of crown on their head that they open up at times. Picture from Creek Park.

These cute green parrots are flying around in Dubai, pictures taken in Creek Park but we have also seen them in our area.


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Biopsy results

Home again after a long day that is far from ready but I just have to share the good news that A´s biopsy came back negative, ie he is not celiac! Yay!


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Lots of pics coming up...

Sitting here in bed, should be sleeping but as always, I just cant sleep when the bed is empty. R is taking my mum to the airport and Im killing time by looking through the photos we have taken during her visit. So many lovely memories, no time to upload tonight though, but they will come as soon as I have some time.


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Mardi Gras

A swedish tradition for Mardi Gras is to eat a bun filled with marzipan and fresh cream. Thanks to my mum we got one today. It was lovely!


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The endoscopy

Since I have been asked about the endoscopy I will do my first post on that. A was very brave, although he had been to the hospital so many times in only a few days and he had to fast since the night before he tried to put on a smile. I have no complaints abou the hospital, they took good care of us and we didnt have too long of a wait until they came to get us for the operation room. A was getting nervous and kept telling me he didnt want to be put to sleep. A was taken there in a wheelchair and thought that was rather cool. When he was settled on the bed and they started bugging him with oxygen and something to put in his mouth to feed the pipe through he was looking very distressed and started crying. I was there holding his hand and by this time they were ready to sedate him. They had prepared 15 ml of medication so I thought he would need lots but after no more than 1 ml his eyes rolled up and his body went totally limp. To be perfectly honest it was really rather scary to see that happening to your child, but on the other hand I wouldnt have had it any other way, of course I had to be there for him until he was "gone". When he was asleep we had to leave the room and wait outside. It was like I left my heart in there and the minutes passed by in slow motion but after about 10 minutes they came out telling us it was ready and that he was fine, but still asleep. When we went in they we just waking him up but he was still really confused, they rolled him into the observation room next door where he got to wake up properly. First thing he asked me was "How did I get here? Did I go in the wheel chair again?" My little their thoughts run :) We had to stay for almost 1½ hours afterwards for observation and that was the worst part for him, he wanted to remove the needle in his hand (claiming it was hurting him), was bored and kept asking to go home. When we were finally released, my little prince looked at me with his sad eyes asking me, "mum, was this the last time?" refering to if we were done with hospitals and needles for this time. As a rewards for his courage we took him to Toys r us in the afternoon where he could pick a toy, he chose a box of dinosaurs. On thursday we have the visit with his doctor for results and I hope and wish that they wont change anything....


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Im soon back on the blog again, tonight my mum is leaving. The days have passed way too quickly and it´s been lovely having her here. Kids and I will surely miss her.


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First visit

We are expecting our first visitor to stay with us in our house. My mum is arriving today, or rather tonight, after midnight. Me and the kids are so excited to see her and show her our new home, school, nursery and activities.

Welcome mum!


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Exploding heart...

Sometimes I wonder how proud a mum can be of her offspring. A´s half year report came from school yesterday and we couldnt have asked for more. "Outstanding" ticked on everything and comments about good attitude, happy, well mannered and respected. 


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Under the sea.....

Today, about 2 hours before end of school day,  the school nurse called me to tell me that A had been taken to see her for a red eye. She said it might be conjunctivitis and suggested we take him to see a doctor. We packed up at home, got J from nursery and went to get A. On the way to school I was thinking about A and it struck me that he had been up late last night, coming up 10 times saying he couldnt sleep AND he woke up very early with R's alarm for work in the morning and maybe he was red cause he was tired? I decided to ask the nurse before I picked him up and she told me she didnt think so as only one eye was red and cause he said it was itchy. When I picked up A his eyes were normal and I thought to myself that no doctor will see anything wrong with him so we passed the nurse again, to get her feedback on seeing a doctor or not. She was very surprised to see that his eye was looking normal again and agreed that there was no need to have it checked. My theory is that he was very tired, kept rubbing his eye so much that it got red. Happy that we didnt have to go to the hospital we went home and changed to go to the pool, thought we would practice some strokes with A but our pool was closed for cleaning! Not a very lucky day for us huh? Jumped in the car and found the pool in the other part of the compound open and enjoyed some time in the kids pool. Now swimming practice though so maybe we try again tomorrow ;) I found the underwater pocket for the camera, here are some pics from today.

The hairy legs are not mine btw :)

It was a bit cold in the air, but the pool is heated so we enjoyed it!


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Morning walk

Back from this mornings walk. R and I walked J to nursery together and then walked around the compound. Lovely start to a day full of things to do, few small errands, helping out in A´s classroom and playdate after school. But first b´fast!


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Gingerbread mystery

We have had some gingerbread cookies left in the box from IKEA and today R found the box empty apart from one single cookie. Both kids claim they havent taken any without permission but I dont know what to believe. Have "found" J in that cupboard speaking of gingerbread so I think she has something to do with it. R says he might have taken some but he would have never left just one. Since they are not glutenfree I havent touched them and left is only N, our houseboy. Since our deal is that he gets money to buy his own food with I dont think he would have taken from them, especially since there were so few left that we would have noticed that they were gone.  I just wanted to know what happened to the cookies and for J to admit it was her if it was her but without proof I cant do anything. Im quite sure this mystery will not be solved but I think I better move all cookies a bit higher up in the cupboards :D


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This is what it looks like at bedtime in our house!


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