....4 months later

Watermelon plant

Gooseberry plants

Some capsicums!
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Anniversary picnic
Today was the day for the anniversary picnic, which also marks the end to the things we as parents have to take part in for the anniversary. It was a lovely picnic, well organised, and we managed to get a spot in the shade!

Almost all the teachers went up on stage to sing "Celebrate good times"

A and one of his classmates

A falconeer came to show his falcon

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Visit to foundation
This is a busy week with the 50 year anniversary. Apart from the production we were also invited to J´s class to help her with an art project about an hour before school finished. We got to help the kids decorate a photoframe with a photo of the class dressed up for 60´s day and then play a bit in the classroom. Very cozy and intimate. J was of course very happy that R could also make it to her class today!

The result

Counting with daddy

Showing her work to her new TA who replaced our beloved Mrs. F after xmas.

"Marble run" with daddy

I dont know who had the most fun ;)

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Star faced crocodile
Today it was finally (if you ask A at least) time for the year 1 school production. They did the star faced crocodile and his class were frogs. It was a lovely show, the kids were great and the teachers had done such a great job.

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Back home and showered after an evening kettlebells class. I have said it before, and I will say it again, what an amazing way of exercising! Today I felt extra good, I could see that I was not the one using the least weight and when some others had to but the weight down before the time interval was over I kept it up until the end. I dont think ppl compare and judge, they just focus on their own workout. I have never felt out of place even though Im much bigger than anyone else in the classes and the only reason I compared today was to boost my confindence a bit, how good doesnt it feel not to be the "worst"? Apart from that I got three (!) compliments from M, the trainer and of course that feels terrific too. Dont know if I really have the guts to write this down, but Im on a roll right now :)
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60´s day
As part of the DESS 50 year anniversary today is "60´s day". Unfortunately its not us driving this morning but we just waved these hippies off....

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Our garden is watered with timed sprinklers but every now and then I use the hose and soak the plants a bit extra. Today was that day and as I was unrolling the hose it got stuck under the car wheels. I had parked a tad bit too much forward so there wasnt lots of space to move back and forth so I tried to pull it loose. Obviously it came loose unexpectedly and I scratched my hand on the facade, which is like rough sand paper. It doesnt look that bad but hurt like hell! Has been stinging on and off all night, any water hurts and where its positioned it hurts whenever I open or close my hand :S

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Mini golf
Found these forgotten photos from out trip to Al Ain.

Two big birds flew over us as we played mini golf

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Heroes and Villains
Today was Heroes and Villains day at DESS.

One hero and one Villain ready for school

A with his buds!

With his TA

With his teacher

Anyone who has followed the blog for a long time might have noticed the re-use of the Captain Hook costume from last year. If you want to refresh your memory they can be seen here
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Shocked and appalled!
One of our friends in Malta (married to an ex collegue of R who is also friend from when they were stuying to become a pilot in Spain, they both came all the way to sweden for our wedding) emailed me last night to tell me that her father in law died earlier that day. Shot outside his workplace. I cant even begin to imagine what they are going through right now and sometimes you just feel like you are too far away....
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Pool time!
A pool with no less than three (!) waterslides is like paradise to the small (and big) children of our family...

"And I was like Baby, baby, baby ohh" A sining Justin Bieber from the bottom of his heart :)

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Primary school?!
Today when I arrived for my Kettlebells class I went with the usual routine, put my water and towel on a mat, checked the board for exercises to know what weights I needed and placed the kettlebells by the mat. At this point one of the old timers showed up and says: "Oh are you on that mat? Its my place". To be honest I thought she was joking but just to be polite I told her "yes, but I can move if you want". She didnt reply but started putting her kettlbells infront of that mat so basically I had to move. Didnt have time to think more about it but I was very surprised. When another old timer came in they stayed chatting and I didnt listen but I heard the end of the conversation when the person that I moved for said "yes, someone was on my spot too" and I realized that they had discussed one of the other new ones that was apparently also standing in "someone elses spot"! The level felt like primary school...I mean what the heck? "my spot? What kind of difference does it make where you stand? I had no idea that they had their own places and they havent even been there every time I have been and since there are only as many mats out as needed someone else has to stay in that spot so how on earth are you supposed to know if they are coming or not? And these are supposed to be grown up women?!?!
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Amazing bird!
I have seen this lovely bird around our compound. When its sitting down it looks really "plain" but as soon as it opens its wings its this amazing blue mellatic kind of colour. Have no idea what its called and never had the camera with me when I saw one so when there was a not so shy one outside the hotel I couldnt resist. Maybe someone can help what its called?

This is how plain it looks

Until it opens its wings!

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Al Jahili Fort
On our second day we went to the centre of Al Ain, to see the Al Jahili Fort

There was an exhibition about an english explorer with his photos and A stated that this guy´s hair looked a lot like Harold and I think he was right!

I´d say the fort was a brilliant outing with kids, it look us less than an hour all in all, not a lot of stuff to read just exploring at your own and it was free!
After the fort we went to Al Ain Mall for usual we ended up at Nando´s!

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Oh joy....
...sibling love. Of course they have to fight and argue. Here its about Harold.

Until we managed to convince her that is A´s class mascot...
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Viewpoint and playground

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The view

With morning fog


Night time
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On the way to the hotel...

Our hotel is at the top of that hill...

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Al Ain Zoo Big Cats

Jaguar, the "house" both children represent at DESS, they were very excited to see it

One of J´s pet names is "puman" which in swedish is used for a gorgeous lady, she got to see a real one!

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Al Ain Zoo

"Lady" the gorilla has been at the zoo since May 1978, a year before I was born!

Laughing his head off....guess who was tired?

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Al Ain
We are doing the last bits before our trip to Al Ain, I cant wait to get away for a couple of days. No idea if we will have internet but I will update and post photos as soon as I can. Have a lovely weekend my friends!
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A´s school report

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J´s school report

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School reports
Today was the day for the mid year school reports. It was lovely reading for both the kids and I couldnt be prouder. Will provide more details tomorrow, right now its biathlon world cup on tv so Im too busy :)
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Home is....

New nails

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Sunny tuesday
The sun is shining but it wasnt hot. I just came home from Kettlebells, it was tough and sweaty but felt good. Had to use the bike as R had the car to drive the kids and stay for a meeting after drop off. It felt good on the way there but really tough on the way home...all that lactic acid! As I walked in at home R was leaving for work, his driver was waiting outside. Last night he went to our neighbour for "birthday drinks" as there had been two birthdays recently so I hope he gets back on time tonight so I get to see him a bit. On the other hand, starting tomorrow he´s got a whole week off!
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Little Master J

What I got to know as the "face of determination" :)

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Stella Maris sportsday....

Uncle JP showing the kids what they used to do at their sportsdays!
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Today we had a lovely relaxed day. We had planned to take a walk together all of us (with kids on their bikes) but we had to make it a short version as it kept on raining. I though it would be few drops here and few drops there like when I walked yesterday but I was mistaken. R had a simualtor session today and it always stresses him out and he gets really grumpy but I have to say we didnt do that bad today. I manged to cut A´s hair, saturday treats with the usual movie, boardgames, food and a little bit of work in the garden. It has been raining on and off all day and it has been one of those grey and lovely days when you are fine doing nothing much. When I was preparing dinner the kids wanted to go out in the rain but I said no, partly cause I didnt have time go with them and partly cause we had already gotten wet and showered today plus I had no time to help them with another shower. Instead they opened both balcony doors at the back and sat down on their chairs (inside) watching the rain. How sweet is that? When the rain stopped for a bit they went out together to look at stuff in the garden, like counting sunflowers and buds. Its great so see that sometimesthey can do stuff together without fighting!
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A sportsday

A´s competing group

A receiving the housecaptain cap from the headmaster

The Jaguar housecaptains

Ready for first race

Happy supporters!

For the year 1´s points were counted and the Jaguars came in second!

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Today, being friday, means football practice and today A was going to try playing with the older group. He has been playing with younger ones as when he started after summer he had never played football. Anyways, lately he has been doing really well and we thought he could do with the challange of playing with the boys his age. He was very nervous when J´s group was finishing their practice and I did what I could to calm him down. Some might think Im being too soft but I can understand that he would be nervous to leave his known group so I asked him if he wanted to sit on my lap for a bit and I hugged him and talked to him about how I could understand his worry but it would be fine. We would be there cheering him on and I was sure as soon as they started playing he would be fine etc. When it was his turn I walked with him to the coach and from then onwards he was just fine. Some parents though....these are 6-9 year old and some parents were calling advice and waving from the side! One dad though made me feel sick to my stomach!
When it was time for the first water break I asked A how he was doing, he said he was enjoying it and when he was ready he ran off to the coach again. That´s when I see the dad next to me holding his son hard, lying on the floor, opening his waterbottle and pouring water all over the boy :O I have no idea what the boy had done to "deserve" this but I dont think there are any excuses for an adult to humiliate your child like that, infront of "friends" and other adults. It might have been due to the fact that the boy didnt take proper part in the exercises because another mum that was sitting on the other side of me asked this dad if his son was still alseep or something similar. The boy started crying and Im not sure but maybe the dad realised he did wrong but instead of apologizing he told the boy "come on, its only water" and pushed him off towards the coach. The rest of the practice the I could see the boy close to tears and he didnt really want to take part and I felt so bad for him. Sometimes he tried to join in but as soon as things didnt come his way he started crying and stepped off the pitch. The coach tried to get him to join but in the end there is a limit to the amount of time you can spend on one child when you have a whole "team" waiting for you. When they played a match at the end of the session the boy stayed in his corner and the dad went to get him and they left. Seriously, why would you do this to your child? When J didnt want to take part in her practice I let the coach try and when it didnt work I called her near me and asked what was wrong, it wouldnt cross my mind to humiliate her infront of everyone. It turned out she was missing her brother (according to her) so I explained that he was still here and that we were watching her and that she has to at least try doing the exercises. What´s wrong with listening to your child and try to find a solution instead of being mean? Wouldnt it be better for everyone if the child has a positive feeling for an activity than a negative?
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I love to travel and in the last 24 hours we have confirmed two trips. One is the London trip we wanted to do. Yesterday the leaveplans for 2013 have been approved or rejected and when R checked he got his april leave. He didnt get the october one but that we will deal with later. We hadnt dared taking the april leave for granted since it falls during the school holidays and Emirates had said that they wouldnt be able to give any more leave during the first two weeks of april. I had my mind set on us having to hope for days off instead of leave, meaning we would have to wait until 23rd march when april roster comes out until we would know for sure. Thankfully they approved the leave and I was very happy about it last night, R on the other hand seemed even more excited calling out "London, baby" every now and then. We have already started dreaming about where and what we are going to eat :D
The other trip will happen quite soon when the kids have midterm, next weekend. R got some leave around this time so we had planned to try to do something fun together, without a flight though. We started out thinking about Fujeirah (where we went last year and loved it) but we felt it would be a bit too expensive, especially since its too cold to spend full days around the pool. We were thinking of Abu Dhabi but hotels are expensive there too and we know nothing about it so we dont know what areas are good for doing touristy stuff, also, for whatever reason I have no desire to visit Abu Dhabi! In the emirate of Abu Dhabi there is a city called Al Ain where they have a zoo that is supposed to be clean and well taken care of so that sounded like a good place for us. Its a 2 hour drive but we decided to check for hotels so we dont have to drive after a long day and can relax a bit with a nice hotel breakfast etc. We found a hotel that seems to be nice and good value for money so next weekend we´ll be off to Al Ain!
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