"Do you like it in Dubai?"
Just about everyone we met in Malta asked if I/we like it in Dubai and eventhough I know the maltese dont believe me (I feel they always have a tendency to think ppl are lying to cover up for making a bad decision to leave Malta cause they cant think anywhere could be better than there) I can honestly say that I am happier in Dubai than I was in Malta. It doesnt mean I wasnt happy in Malta cause I was, but what a lovely life here in Dubai! There are things that I miss about Malta but there are things I really DONT miss too. We have discussed this quite a lot during our stay in Malta.
I dont miss:
# The heat! Yeah its hot as hell in Dubai but I dont think I have sweated as much in this last year combined as I did during our 12 days in Malta. Most places are badly airconditioned, probably to save on electricity bills but come on, you have to be able to live! One of our fav restaurants is airconditioned but not in the loo! When we took the kids to the cinema they didnt switch on ac until the film started and by this time we were really sweaty AND the chocolates we had bought couldnt be eaten as they had melted! Parents in laws worry that the electric wiring was so old it couldnt cope with to units on at the same time meant that we had to sit and get soaked in the evening as we had to switch on in the bedroom when the kids went to bed. No, I definately dont miss the heat!
# The exhaust! To travel around in a car (particularly without ac so you have to keep the windows down) or walking to the bus stop and breathe in the disgusting air is no hit. :S Especially in the morning traffic, I promise I thought I got cancer and/or asthma on the spot! And all the cars that shouldnt be on the roads, fuming black smoke. Very happy kids dont have to grow up breathing that air!
# The roads! All the pot holes and bumps and add those crazy egoist drivers into the mix :S
# Toilets! I had completely forgotten how crappy the maltese public toilets are. How you always have to carry a packet of tissues around, to wipe yourself and even to clean the toilet with. One evening when we were out walking on the promenade where lots of people come for a stroll, tourists and locals alike J had to go to the toilet. All that was on offer was a portable loo, without toiletpaper, no water to wash hands and no light (could this have been a trick so that it wasnt possible to see the state of the loo?)The normal public toilets were closed last year or even the year before, I thought to refurbish them but no sign of any kind of works in progress. Disgusting I say and am very happy with the always clean, always one close by public toilets in Dubai.
I think that sums it up. There are two things I miss though:
# The language! I miss knowing that most of the time people understand me. There are too many asians here in Dubai that nod their heads saying yes and then do the opposite of what you asked them to do.
# The food! I miss going out to eat knowing that people understand what glutenfree is and that they most of the time can do small changes to a dish so that I can eat it. "No the sauce is not glutenfree, but we will do another one for you" or "No, we dont know what the ingredients are but here, let me show you the box/bag/jar and you can see for yourself"
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