Riding a bike
can be a huge challange when you are learning. We have been trying and trying to teach A how to ride his bike but as always he cant take instructions from his parents. He ends up screaming and crying and you can barely communicate with him. J is the same, I tried to teach her letters to prepare her for school after summer but it was impossible, 10 seconds later she had no idea what letter we had been looking at and talking about but in a matter of a couple of weeks she now knows all the letters thanks to her nursery teacher! My mum has managed to teach them some valueable lessons in life like spitting out the toothpaste instead of swollowing so to go back to the subject of riding a bike I was hoping that my mum could help him out with this during her visit. I was proven right when on the first day he was already riding on his own! Since then we try to practice a little every day and the biggest difference is that now that he knows how to do it he WANTS to for a ride instead of us more or less forcing him to go out.
Sometimes he ends up like this but the strange thing is that he doesnt get angry and annoyed, he just gets up to try again!
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