Celiac update
To give an update on A´s possible CD update I can say its been both uphill and downhill. The doctor I was recommended does not see children under 13 years of age so we had to start calling and calling and calling. Finally we found a hospital they didnt give a blank no but they said first we had to see a pediatric specialist who would refer us to the gastroenterologist if needed. It all happened really quick though and we got an appointment for the following day (yesterday). Yesterday we went to see the pediatric specialist and he couldnt understand why my gastroenterologist had ordered bloodtests for the kids when they dont have symptoms. Furthermore he didnt feel there was a need for biopsy if A doesnt have any symptoms and is growing well but he suggested that we would come back the following day so he would check with someone else to confirm. Since this was not what I wanted to hear I asked him for his reasons to tell us not to go ahead with biopsy I think he felt he didnt have any valid reasons so instead of replying he started making phonecalls and apparently talked to a pediatric gastroenterologist and started by asking her if she thought it was the right course of action to screen children with no symptoms just cause the mother has CD. I got a bit annoyed, I didnt like his approach, the bloodtests were done and the question was what we would do when we had these elevated results! Since this is not routine in Sweden or Malta I was sure she would tell him no but she said yes! The ped doc was surprised too and went on to tell her that the tests had already been done, he told her the details and asked if she thought it was the best course of action to do a biopsy. She said yes again! I was sooo happy to hear this and the doctor refered us to gastro! We got an appointment today and we are heading there as soon as we have picked up both kids from school and Im keeping my fingers crossed that we will meet a nice and understanding doctor....
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