Exciting times ahead
When you start working with Emirates they give you an aircraft fleet that you will remain on, its either Boeing (only one type of aircraft, 777) or Airbus (a total of three aircraft types 330,340 or 380). If you get Airbus you will start on the 330, the smallest aircraft Emirates have got and then move on to 340 and also 380. As both the 330 and 340 are going to be phased out there have been lots of speculations and it seems the fleet has been "frozen" until all the 340´s are gone. Even though R said he would have loved to have flown another aircraft he has never been sure if it was the best thing to go on the 340 career wise, its not that straightforward. On the one hand, on the 340 it seems they will have more layoves than on the 330 and for some that is something positive although for us it has been good that R was home almost every day (at least morning OR evening). On the other hand it could have been better to go direclty onto the 380 and start buliding up your hours for future command. As there wasnt an obvious better option we decided not to worry if R would get the transfer or not, we are happy as things are too. Today he got the email calling him for A340 conversion and he feels it will be exciting and then of course so do I!
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