What is wrong....

....with some kids? Or maybe rather their parents....A has a boy in his class (O) and just after a few days of attending school A told me that O is not my friend. At that time I didnt understand what was going on but now I understand much better!

One day A came home saying the F word. This is not something we say at home, not me nor R.  Dont get me wrong, we do swear but not in english and we try to make the swearwords "nicer" by changing a few letters or so so we were really chocked when we heard what A was saying. When we asked him where he heard that he explained that O says that to me!

One morning A had removed his sunglasses to look through the door to his classroom before his teacher opened up for the day when O, totally unprovoked went up to him and started pulling on his sunglasses. 

Sunday morning when I drove both boys myself they found a big ant that they were watching and following around for about 10 minutes. This was until J happily showed O the ant and he stepped on it to kill it. Both A and J told him it was not a nice thing to do and when they had found another and J made the mistake of telling O again. Even this time he stepped on it, without thinking twice!

Yesterday a girl had brought a doll that O, again unprovoked, tried to pull away from her.

I mean seriously, is this how it should be? Sure, I understand that all children fight, when their play gets out of hand or something like that but to unprovoked step up to other children just to mess with them or their toys/stuff or kill an insect that someone is looking at, is that normal? This boy comes from a big family and the mother is pregnant again but I wonder, wouldnt it be better if they taught the kids they have how to behave before they have more?


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