Skola sport
For winter we had thought it would be good for A to start some sort of activity once a week, preferably outside of school so that he will at least hear some more maltese. I have been a bit negative though, feel most sports become so serious here so quickly, you have to have all the equipment and it ends up costing you lots of money when you dont even know if your child will like the sport. A 4 year old should have the chance to try many different sports, see what you like and THEN get the equipment. Anyway, we heard about something called "skola sport", here they let you try different sports every time so it sounded like a good place to start. Its run by the government, is not very expensive and therefore its hard to get a spot. Its first come first served and we´ve been hunting them for an application form (they werent out yet). It came by post on friday and we filled it in and sent it back hoping for the best. On thursday we got a letter stating that he was accepted (its only open for kids from 4 years and up). We were very happy, I hope it turns out to be something good so that he can come to like sports a bit, he seems to be much more into music for now.
