Waiting to see doctor
R and A are waiting to see the doctor right now, can we ever be well all of us at the same time? On Thursday evening A complained about pain in his ear ? ( he held his jaw when showing us where he was hurting) and he had feber. We suspected earinfection. Thinking they would tell us to give him antibiotics if we saw a doctor I thought we could wait a bit while R thought he should be seen considering there would only be emergency doctors for 2 days if we didnt go then so we compromized and called our friend who is a doctor. She told us to come see her so she could check is ear and give us antibiotics to keep at home "just in case".
L checked his ear and said it was a bit red but not so bad so we decided the antibiotics could wait for the time being. She suggested to give him something to help the congestion and with paracetamol and ibuprofen mixed he did ok over Christmas eve and day but today when we came home from a smalld rive in the car he complained about pain again, this time holding his other jaw. He felt really warm and had 39.9 degrees of fever even though he had gotten paracetamol just about 2 hours earlier and when I stroked his cheek he screamed at me for hurting him. He said he can not open his mouth, not to eat and not even to drink (he managed to drink with a straw). Since his syptoms have changed I thought it would be best if he was seen again before starting any antibiotics, especially with the weird mouthinflammation R had recently. A did NOT want to go see a doctor and especially not without me. My poor lille boy, I hope he gets well soon.
Update: Throat infection, antibiotics. Ears ok now though
L checked his ear and said it was a bit red but not so bad so we decided the antibiotics could wait for the time being. She suggested to give him something to help the congestion and with paracetamol and ibuprofen mixed he did ok over Christmas eve and day but today when we came home from a smalld rive in the car he complained about pain again, this time holding his other jaw. He felt really warm and had 39.9 degrees of fever even though he had gotten paracetamol just about 2 hours earlier and when I stroked his cheek he screamed at me for hurting him. He said he can not open his mouth, not to eat and not even to drink (he managed to drink with a straw). Since his syptoms have changed I thought it would be best if he was seen again before starting any antibiotics, especially with the weird mouthinflammation R had recently. A did NOT want to go see a doctor and especially not without me. My poor lille boy, I hope he gets well soon.
Update: Throat infection, antibiotics. Ears ok now though
