Uneventful week
A pretty uneventful week has passed. School, exercise, shopping, xmas curtains etc but nothing much to tell. Right now Im on the sofa, friday night, R working, kids in bed and I just poured some homemade "glögg" (mulled wine) on bottles. The kids' teachers will be getting a bag of swedish xmas delicacies for xmas this year. Come to think of it, will try to find some mulled wine history and write instructions how to heat and serve it. I hope they will appreciate it.
A friend and her two kids are coming over tomorrow, for "the big xmas baking event". It will be nice to have company, and xmas is all about having fun and creating traditions for your kids. We are both very happy to introduce our swedish xmas heritage to our kids.
A friend and her two kids are coming over tomorrow, for "the big xmas baking event". It will be nice to have company, and xmas is all about having fun and creating traditions for your kids. We are both very happy to introduce our swedish xmas heritage to our kids.
