Christmas eve on Christmas day
In Sweden we celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve and we have tried to celebrate it here to and then on Christmas day with the in-laws but since JP was working on CD we will meet all together on New Years Day instead. R was standby from noon until midnight on CE so we chose to celebrate "swedish style" yesterday anyway so that we would be sure he would not be called out in the middle of it.
A was not feeling well and I went up with him at 5.50 but he was still so sleepy he didnt see the presents under the tree until half an hour later. Oooohhhh he said, look mommy! We talked about the fact that santa dropped them off last night and that is when A saw the envelope with the first clue for the treasure hunt we had prepared for him and said that santa also left him a letter. I said we have to wait for your sister to wake up before opening it and the same second she walked through the kitchen door he went to get the evelope. Treasure hunt could begin.

Treasure has been found!

Some fighting could be expected

This christmas tree was part of the treasure, we are hanging the decorations

A was not feeling well and I went up with him at 5.50 but he was still so sleepy he didnt see the presents under the tree until half an hour later. Oooohhhh he said, look mommy! We talked about the fact that santa dropped them off last night and that is when A saw the envelope with the first clue for the treasure hunt we had prepared for him and said that santa also left him a letter. I said we have to wait for your sister to wake up before opening it and the same second she walked through the kitchen door he went to get the evelope. Treasure hunt could begin.

Treasure has been found!

Some fighting could be expected

This christmas tree was part of the treasure, we are hanging the decorations
We then had b´fast, swedish rice porridge, sometimes called "santa porridge". R cooked while I sat with A who was not feeling that well (cold). Being so few ppl I didnt feel like doing all the typical things for the smorgasbord but we cooked the xmas ham. After lunch we watched Donald duck as per swedish tradition and then santa came. Even though daddy had gone down to the garage and santa came from the washroom on the roof J said "hello daddy" when santa opened the door. Her other commets were "come in daddy", "is not santa, is daddy" and "thank you daddy" for every present she got. Its been a while since I laughed so hard :D A on the other hand really wanted to believe that it was santa so even if he did see through the beard and hood he didnt comment about it. The kids got many nice presents and were really busy opening and playing with everything. Their grandparents also came for a bit with a present too.

After dinner we sent exhausted kids to bed. How wonderful christmas can be when you have kids around. R and I completed our christmas by watching Love Actually. Great movie!
