Mommy´s show
I just have to share this comment with you. One morning a couple of weeks ago I was up with both the kids (the last few days A has slept til way after 7!) and they were putting on some kind of show for me while I updated myself on the computer. When I was ready I was going to start my morning yoga from the magazine I bought in sweden called "Exercise at home" (full of good stuff for me, different programs to get some exercise done at home). I rolled out the mat on the floor while A pulls out their beaniebag next to me, tells his sister to sit down next to him "cause now we are going to watch mommy´s show"! :O
Seasoned traveller
A is now so used to travelling that upon landing at Arlanda, quite a hard landing, he said: "they almost cracked my head"
New shoes
A needed new PE shoes, had bought some cheap ones when he started school cause that was all we could find and they really needed replacing. Went to an outlet with sportstuff and found a pair that would do. They were Nike and same model as his friend M (the boy that was here a couple of weeks ago) has and A realized this and decided they were good but we also wanted to check Vincent in Sliema. Nothing good there though and we went passed a sport shop where we found a pair I thought were good but R said were too big. A was not to happy even to try them since they were not same as M´s. He did try them though and when I asked him to have a run around the shelves and come back again he fell twice, on purpose, just to show how bad they were compared to the ones we had seen in the first place. How sweet they can be in their reasoning <3
The boy with a good tummy
Tonight at bedtime, R was talking to A about something nice he did today and said "you have a good heart". A replied, " and a good forehead and tummy too" :D
Mary Poppins
A was so cute when I talked to him on the phone from London. He asked "is London Bridge really falling down?". He also asked if I had met Mary Poppins :)
Yesterday I mentioned to the kids that Im going to travel and maybe it was mentioned this morning too, I cant remember but when I dropped off A at school he was really concerned and asked me when Im going, where Im going and for how long. He was not at all happy that I was going to leave them with their father but when I told him I will be away for 4 days he realized that it was the same amount of days that his dad had been away last week and that had been fine. I promised that we would talk on the phone. My little darling, I will miss him sooo much <3. (And before anyone gets upset, I will obviously miss J and R too but this post is about A)
Today A had his first real playdate. He has been excited since friday when it was decided, asking what day of the week M would be coming etc. Picked up two happy boys from school, they were holding hands so sweet! At home they were so worked up they couldnt eat. M played with different things every two minutes I think, guessing he wanted to play with as many things as possible before it was time to go home :D After about 3½ hrs of playing R drove him home since he was going near where Ms family live. I took the opportunity to get up on the crosstrainer. It was great to clear up my brain after all the craziness to two little boys and felt really good after a week of rest with too many "out of diet things" eaten during the weekend.

What lovely boys!

What lovely boys!

Little Einsteins shopping
After having dropped off A at school and R at the airport (for some ground training) I took J for some shopping. She insisted on staying in a trolley that is like a car and then she kept calling "super fast" and patting on her knees Little Einstens style. Couldnt stop smiling!
Skola sport
Yesterday A had his first session of skola sport. He really didnt want to go, was looking hesitant and we thought he was going to cry when R left him with his group on the sports ground. The weather was beautiful and I had promised him I would stay and look at him if I was allowed. Other parents stayed to I sat down in the sun observing him. He slowly got used to it and when it was finished he told us he had sooo much fun. We were obviously happy to hear this, he has not been showing any interest in sports before and we are hoping that this will help a bit. He doesnt have to love a particular sport but I´d like for him to see that its fun and nice to do things that doesnt involve his parents being with him.
Today was the first time R came with me to drop off the kids at school and for the first time J cried when I left. I "blame" the fact that R was there, she is a daddy´s girl. Saw that she just started crying when I picked her up too but that could be explained by most other children being picked up and she hadnt seen me. I start by picking up A since that is fastest and then I go for her. Today though it took extra time cause R was with me and he met A´s new teacher for the first time. Anyway, it was really hearbreaking seeing her cry and I hope it will get better. I know she has loads of fun inbetween her missing me.
First day of school number 2
On Monday was finally J´s first day of school, she has been looking forward for so long. She was sooo proud when we put on the school uniform. I stayed with her all day and it went reallyw ell, she enjoyed herself a lot.
Unfortunately many pics didnt come good, I realized too late that the camera was set to take the pics without flsh. Todays pics are therefore not so good, but still, you have to see :)

Unfortunately many pics didnt come good, I realized too late that the camera was set to take the pics without flsh. Todays pics are therefore not so good, but still, you have to see :)

Goodbye Sweden, I love you!
When the plane took off today A (our son) was glued to the window, waving and calling out "Goodbye Sweden, I love you, I will come back another day". So sweet and sad.....