Close call
This morning I thought we wouldnt be able to travel tomorrow as I woke up with what I thought was a gastric! Had to run to the toilet constantly for 2 hours, then I managed to sneak ½ hour rest and woke up feeling much better. Seems like it was one of those short things like I had on my birthday too. Have eaten some lunch and dinner and have kept it so Im counting on us travelling tomorrow.
Everything is packed (apart from things I have to take out of the fridge tomorrow), bags are closed and the kids are in their beds too excited to sleep. Hoping they will sleep soon tough, alarm is set for 5 am tomorrow!
Dont know if I will have time to blog from Malta but I will be back!
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Its getting close now....
....soon we are leaving for two whole months! Normally I dont stress out about travelling, I´ve done it enough times, but this time its like something is different. Lots of stuff to do right up until the day we are leaving and probably mostly cause R is not around the last two days. I like to discuss with him when I pack, "do I need this"? "will this be useful?" etc. Thankfully we did pack before he left so one a few bits and pieces left but its still strange to be alone right now.
Today is the last day of school/nursery for this scholastic year. Im feeling a bit emotional and so are the kids. A has been so excited to go to Year 1 and J to go to "big school" with her brother but this morning when we said its the last day all of a sudden they wanted to remain where they are :) I can understand them, of course it must be a bit scary to leave what you "know", get a new teacher (and as for J, a brand new set of classmates!) but I know they will be happy next year too. We are so happy with the school! I cant wait for the suitcases to be ready packed, THAT is when I will be able to relax again. Right now whenever I think about leaving I start worrying if I have packed everything that we need :D
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Publicerat 2012-06-25 18:55:42 i
J and I was supposed to go cut our hair on wednesday before our holiday but guess what? Today they called to confirm the appointment and in passing she mentioned that "my" hairdresser wont be there. After a few follow up questions it turns out the salon has changed management and none of the swedes are there anymore! I feel really cheated and let down! Was so happy to have found a good place, had introduced a friend too and she in turn had introduced others too and I got two haircuts and the others only one! I know ppl come and go here in Dubai but I thought with swedish ownership and "all" swedes living here cutting their hair there they would replace anyone leaving with another swedish hairdresser! Now I will have to try to cut my hair in Sweden and start looking for someone else when back....
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Random pics

Kids enjoying the sprinklers with C, that visited last weekend

Kids ready for the movies!

Sun setting on our way home from dinner at Nando´s on Sunday evening
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Swimming lesson
A has really improved his swimming since we moved to Dubai, very much thanks to the school swimming and the extra curricular swimming he has been doing since January. From being at the "bottom group" he has moved up to middle and now in the top group! I remembered to bring the camera for some photos last time.
Danny the dragon
As per usual disorganisation from J´s nursery they started something new that they wont be able to finish. A class mascot was introduced for someone to go home with ever weekend. You are expected to take photos and put in book to show your friends on sunday. This they started with less than two months left of term so no way everyone will have their turn at taking him home. I dont think its fair, they should have just started it next year instead so no one has to feel left out. Luckily J got to take him home though and here is what we did when he was around.

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Our friends here for a playdate

A and their youngest like eachother, A says "she is sooo cute"

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Under the sea
J´s swimteacher brought her underwater camera and took some pictures during the lesson yesterday.
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Tooth fairy
As I suspected the dentist decided to pull the tooth today. I had been a bit worried that she would find it scary this time and be afraid of dentists in the future but she was as brave as last time. She did cry a bit when he gave the anesthetic her but all in all it was a very quick and easy visit. She wanted to hold my hand and looked on with wide eyes when he took out the tool to grab and pull the tooth. For me it seemed like it took long to get it out but J was fine all the time and was very excited to see her tooth with its big root. The dentist said that she did really well, normally they wouldnt have tried to do it without sedatives so of course Im an extra proud mama today! I dont think she will be afraid after this as she happily skipped out of the dentist room with her tooth in a box. As she went to bed she put it under her pillow hoping for the toothfairy to come by tonight :)

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A commotion in the ocean
In may the reception classes at DESS had their performance "A commotion in the ocean" and many very proud parents came to see them.

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Back to the dentist
As we were having dinner tonight the fixed part of J´s tooth fell off so now I have to call first thing tomorrow morning and hopefully get a new emergency appointment. Will keep you posted....
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It IS HOT now...
Today I thought I was going to sweat away. It was 49 degrees HOT and I had the afternoon pick up at school. After that J had her swimming lesson and because of my burn injury (that IS much better but the skin is peeling off and the skin underneath is very pink so I dont dare swimming in "dirty" pool water) had to stay next to the pool in the heat. Heat makes me so short tempered! I have to brag a bit about J and her swimming though. She has learnt so much in just two months and she practically swims, and most importantly, she likes to be in the water and spends more time under than above!
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Eventhough there´s still another week and a half to go before summer holidays start J´s nursery had a graduation ceremony. The kids sang a couple of songs and then we had some photo opportunities with the teachers before some snacks in the lunch room. Although it wasnt the best organised event (as always!) I have to say it wasnt the worst we have attended either.....

With best friend R

With head teacher Ms. A

With assistant teacher Ms. C

With arabic teacher

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Ice skating
Some proof that we actually go ice skating in the desert

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Today I transfered photos from the camera, there were more pictures that I thought so expect lots of photos the next few days.
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Poor little J
After school today we went to Mirdif City Centre to change a top I bought and to try on a dress we were thinking of buying for her for her birthday but not sure about size. We had to rush it though as she has ballet on Mondays and when we were home and changed her R saw that she had broken a tooth! Half of one of her front teeth was gone :O When we asked her what happened she said that she fell at lunchtime but none of the teachers saw it and they didnt help her even though she cried. To be honest I dont know how true it is, but seeing the damage I would have been surprised if she didnt cry. When asked more details she said a boy had pushed her (same boy she has told me about being mean to her before). You could see the pulp so we thought it had to be checked asap. We quickly called EK clinic dental and they could see us right then so we jumped in the car and went there. The dentist did his best to fix her up, and "built" a new tooth for her (though it doesnt look very good) and she was very brave. He said he has never seen anything like it in his 29 years as a dentist and that he doesnt know how long the fake part will stay on however if she has problems they will just remove what´s left of the tooth. Now Im trying to see how Im going to bring it up at school tomorrow, I´d like to know if she did cry at lunchtime or if she made that up. Dont want to go in accusing them when I dont know how much I can trust her story....

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R has been way too busy with his course, both me and the kids have been a bit neglected and we will try to do something nice tomorrow. The kids have been bugging us, wanting to go watch a movie at the cinema. We have been waiting for the right film though, as we didnt want to spend so much money on something just to do it, not cause it was good. It appears Madagascar 3 premieers this weekend so we thought we´d take the kids for that tomorrow.
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Lazy saturday
Today we had a bit of a lazy saturday. R had to study for his last sim so I invited two of the kids friends over and the morning passed really fast. In the afternoon we watched a film (Madagascar 2, to prepare for a visit to the cinema to watch Madagascar 3) and dusted and organised the kids bookshelves, feeling particularly good about that! Now kids are in bed, Im relaxing on the sofa, waiting for R to come home and give me the full deal on today´s sim. In the meantime Im looking forward to R having two days off and hopefully not too much studying to do before his last 2 ground school days, hopefully we can tick a few things off our "to do list".
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June has turned into a party month. It seems that everyone that has their birthday in July and August take this opportunity to organise a party before everyone leave Dubai for the summer. A was invited to a party today (which we had to say no to as he didnt want to go alone and I couldnt come with him as R was working and I couldnt bring J) but it worked out great as now we could atten the joint party of J´s two best friends. The party was in a softplay area with some games, food and cake. It was a great place and I made sure to bring some info home, maybe we will try to do A´s party there when its his turn this fall.
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School visit
Yesterday we went for the school visit at DESS. J got to meet her teachers and classmates and play a bit in what´s going to be her classroom. She had a blast and didnt want to leave! I look forward to having the kids in the same place but to be honest I also feel a bit sad that she is leaving what she "knows", teachers and friends. When I picked her up yesterday she called for one of her friends to give a hug before she left and one girl after the other came up and joined the hug. It warmed my heart to see that she is happy and has friends. On tuesday they are going to have some sort of graduation, can´t wait to see if they will manage to organise at least one thing well this scholastic year. Regardless, I will be there of course, taking as many pics of J and her friends as I can!
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Yesterday our guest arrived. I dont know if I mentioned it but its the sister of one of Rs best childhood friends and she is stopping here on her way from Australia and malta. We know her and her family pretty well so its very nice to be able to welcome here into our home. J is like glue on her but to be honest I think they both rather enjoy eachothers attention :) Its lovely with guests that take care of themselves a bit and dont expect to be taken around everywhere. Dont get me wrong, I love to spend time with my guests but its also nice when you dont have to put your whole life on hold cause someone is visiting. Yesterday she spent the afternoon and evening with us, catching up. Today she packed an overnight bag and went to see a friend, she´ll be back again tomorrow afternoon and then her flight is first thing sunday morning. A quick but lovely visit!
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Lazy housewife
My dad hints that im a lazy housewife and lots of people ask me what I really do with my time since I dont work AND has live in househelp. Let me tell you about my day today...
Woke up with the kids between at 5.30, for whatever reason they have started to wake up as early as they used to do last summer. B´fast prepare lunchbox for school, lay out school uniforms and prepare school bags. All the time I have to nag them to do whatever it is they are doing (eating, brushing teeth or dressing). If I get lazy we wont be ready on time. At 7 we left for school, arrived there at 7.25, waited until 7.45 when classes start (we get there early to get a "good" parking close to school so we dont have to walk an extra step in this heat!). Today we had to spend another ½ hour waiting for J´s introduction to DESS where she got to see her classroom and new teachers. After the visit I took her to her nursery and I hurried along to a mall to finish buying birthdaypresents for tomorrows party (as I found out very last minute yesterday that its a joint party so I needed two presents, not just one!) and to get groceries. Got home just in time to throw down a quick lunch before I had to start preparing some fruitsallad and dips for the planned playdate. Just had enough time to finish it when A came back from school and just after him also his friends. Just about had time to welcome them before I had to leave and pick up J from nursery and from then onwards I had chaos at home. The soundlevel with 5 kids around is insane! Just after the kids left our weekend guest arrived. Exhausted Im now relaxing in bed and will soon call it a day. Most days are more or less the same, either playdates or activities in the afternoons. Sure, in the mornings I dont get groceries every day, sometimes I spend my time with friends or with R but most of the time there is something I need to do, excercise, paperwork related to something, looking for best solution to one thing or another etc. I really cant say my life is boring!
Dont get me wrong, Im in no way complaining, this is how I would have liked my life to be. I still think its a privilege to be at home, taking care of the kids (even when they are not around I do stuff for them) and not having that every day stress that I
think many parents in Sweden feel. All I want with this post is for everyone to understand and know that just cause you dont work doesnt mean that you spend your time on the sofa watching soaps!
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Extra leave
So far Emirates have sent out emails about extra leave available in May, June and July and we have been eagerly waiting to hear anything about extra leave in August so R could get a bit more time in Sweden before we head to Malta. Yesterday he emailed the leaveplanners to ask and they suggested that he would input it in the system already and so he did. In the evening then he found out that it was approved! Oh joy, we get about 10 days together in Sweden before we have to leave. Sounds great and Im really looking forward.
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J´s teachers
Today was the day for the information meeting at DESS for the children starting school after summer. We didnt prioritise this meeting as we already have a clue what to expect. I was only VERY curious to find out who her teacher was going to be and I had arranged to be able to pick up her information pack today when I was going in to help out in A´s class. I had decided from before that I wouldnt get upset if she didnt get the teacher I had requested but also knew I would feel a bit ignored if they didnt give the teacher we wanted. I tore open the envelope as quickly as I could and saw a name I had never heard of so she obviously didnt get what we wanted and I did feel a bit cheated. When I got to A´s classroom I had a word with his teaching assistant and she told me that Mrs. D is a new teacher, coming from another school here in Dubai. A school that is known as one of the best too so Im sure it will be fine. I was also told that the teacher I had requested, and the teacher A had this year are going to be teaching Year 2 next year and I felt much better. Obviously J couldnt get a teacher that wont be teaching her grade! At the same time I asked the TA if she was going to leave but that was not the case, her husband got a job in Doha but is already working there and coming back to Dubai over the weekends. She didnt know which teacher she was going to be working with but was very happy when I said I was hoping for her for J and promised to check it out for me this afternoon so I would find out tomorrow. I was too curious though and texted a mum in A´s class that has a daughter that is going to start next year too, asking if she was at the meeting and if she could see which TA Mrs. D was going to have. She got back to me with the news that our daughters will be in the same class, with Mrs. D and Mrs. F, A´s current TA. We were both really happy of course, everyone loves Mrs. F. It seems the school had listened to my request, or else I was just lucky :) On the other hand Im not sure how I feel about J having this girl as a classmate. She sometimes seem pure evil, I have seen her being really mean to her 5 month old siblings. Oh well, the mum is really sweet and for ME it will be very nice to know a class mum from before. On Thursday there is an open morning when I will take J to DESS to have a look around and to meet the teachers. It will be very exciting to see if the new teacher will be there too.
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Today we went to see the newborn. A very cute little boy that was like most babies, either eating or sleeping :) The kids took the opportunity to play with T and as usual she took some time to warm up to them but after a while they had lots of fun togheter while the mums were chatting away...
Tomorrow is the start of a new school week, the last three to go. For every day that passes I look more and more forward to going to Sweden. I cant wait to breathe some fresh and cool air, to be able to let the kids out to play on the grass and most of all to spend time with family and friends!
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What to do?
Luckily I didnt get any blisters from the burn on saturday but it does look a bit scary, red and almost a bit on the blue/purple side. Doctor I met at hospital mentioned to keep applying creams and cover it for 14 days but how on earth are you supposed to manage that when nothing stays on? It doesnt matter how hard I roll it, for every step I take I feel the whole thing sliding further and further down. Yesterday I tried to tape it on and put tights over and it did work out a bit better BUT the tape hurt my skin so for today I dont know what to try. I guess the best option is not to move at all which doesnt sound like a bad idea with the headache I have right now....
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Oh well
A was home from school with a cold yesterday and still is today. He keeps coughing a lot and his nose is runny. I´ve felt a bit of a sore throat since the weekend and today I wake up with a blasting headache and something with my sinuses. Hopefully this means we will all have recovered and well for the travels in 24 days! The countdown has started :)
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Yesterday just as I had made a cup of tea the cup toppled over and I got all of it on my legs. I dont know how it happened really cause I didnt actually touch the cup, it might have been my skirt that got hooked on the teaball handle. Regardless how it happened it burnt like hell and the worst part was that I was wearing tights underneath the skirt so the heat kept touching my skin. We had visitors so I ended up not dealing with it as well as I should have and after reading about water scalds I have to say I didnt even know the latest on how to treat scalds either. I tried everything I could think of, cooling balm, aloe vera, icepacks and pandaols. I did cope ok as long as I kept a cooling pack on it but as soon as I stopped it hurt so bad I couldnt keep the tears back. 5 hours later it was still as bad and I realised there was no way I could sleep we decided to go to hospital. The kids were asleep so we had to call our houseboy and ask if he could please stay with the kids and off we went. After a total of 2 hours at the ER we could go home, with some sort of burn dressing with antibiotics, painrelief and cooling stuff and directions on how to change it every evening. When we came home we found the kids, with N and his wife all sleeping on the sofa. Kids had woken up wondering where we were and as we had suggested to N he got the kids to seep on the sofa. Im glad it all worked out well and they didnt get worked up that we werent there, its good to know they are ok with him being around instead of us if need be. I did manage to sleep through the night but I keep getting little pangs of pain. Hopefully it will heal quickly...
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Baby J
I dont like the whole idea about putting baby infront of the name of a baby like they do in Malta and maybe other parts of the world too but to avoid confusion Im going to make an exception since the new baby´s name starts with J, just like my J. Baby J and his mum were released from hospital today and I think since we are so far away they skyped us as soon as they came home. We got to see him on cam and I have to say that even though most newborns are not really cute to look at (even though parents only see cuteness and miracle) baby J is really cute. Cant wait to get to Malta and see him and share the joy with his lovely parents.
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Please stop growing...
......the kids grow way too fast. I just set up an email account for A as he has started writing and wanted to be able to write a line or two to the grandparents sometimes. He could have done that from my email but of course he felt all grown up with his own email address so that´s what we did :)
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Welcome to the world!
Another welcome to the world post. The kids finally have a cousin, a little boy called J. I could have been halfway to Mirdif already to buy present if it wasnt for the fact that R is sleeping for a night flight and the kids are a bit too relaxed here at home and dont want to go out. Realise now that its a good thing they didnt want to know the sex of the baby cause I would have bought so many things had I known :)
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Tablet PC
The other day I remembered how our friends said their kids didnt utter a word of complaint during their long trip around the US and back to Dubai thanks to a Nintendo or similar. Discussed with R about buying the cheapest android mobile we could find so they could play the games they love to play on his mobile (UNO, Fruit Ninja etc).Thought it would be easier for them to play the games they know and are used to. R suggested a Tablet PC so on wednesday we went to Dragonmart to find the best deal for a tab. We dont want to pay for a good brand as its just for the kids to play games on, the cheaper the better. The kids dont know anything for now, thought it would be more exciting on the flight if they get the surprise then. Keeping my fingers crossed for at least 15 minutes of peace and quiet during the flight ;)
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Butterflies... my stomach. My sister in law is at hospital and hopefully going to give birth. She had irregular contractions yesterday when I had sms contact and was apparently checked at hospital in the evening but sent home again. This morning my mother in law sent a text stating that D is in hospital. Yesterday I went out to buy a welcome to the world present for M, T's brother and there are so many nice things for girls so Im hoping for a little girl :)
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