Farmer´s Market

Today we needed broccoli so we thought we´d try out the new "Farmer´s Market". Before greengrocers have been travelling the villages selling fruit and veg but apparently they pay peanuts to the farmers and pocket loads of money themselves (cause its not cheap!) The farmers had enough and started this Farmer´s Market twice a week where they sell their own stuff. Nice idea BUT we can conclude that it was so little cheaper and no fruit that we probably wont be going back. The broccoli was 1.50 (eur) instead of 1.75 that we paid in the supermarket a couple of days ago. If you then have to add the price for the petrol to get there it doesnt make sense at all. Maybe if they make it bigger by adding fruit too it will work out. Im guessing the farmers have to start importing fruit if they want to compete with the green grocers.

We have just rested a bit, I had hoped we would manage a little bit longer since we have the wedding tonight but we have to make the best of the situation. Im going to take a footbath and paint nails, preferably do my exersice too. Had to stop the jogging, unfortunately my dad was right when he told me it was to early. I have to loose more weight first, my knees started hurting a lot, just like he predicted. Have to stick to the crosstrainer, powerwalks and the weight program for now.


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