Testing new camera

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My poor boy
Today the temperature went above 0 and the snow started melting. A was ready to go out first and while I was helping J I heard him crying outside. Ran out to check on him and he was sobbing away saying things like "stupid sun" "i dont want the snow to melt" etc. He really doesnt do well with things like this...after last christmas we had the same thing about putting the christmas decorations away.....
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Under the weather
Cant believe it doesnt stop once it starts. Just when I recovered from the eye infection I now have a cold. Coughing and very sore throat. Great new years eve to come.....
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Boxing day
On Boxing Day my brother came out to play for a bit, much to the kids excitement. Then he left for a sport event to which he claims you "have to" have a moustache. We had a good laugh when we saw him!

In the afternoon we went for dinner at my aunts house, had some lovely boar steak.

J and my dad´s dog

M in the car on the way home, had to take photos to prove to J that the dog was with us in the car

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Xmas Eve
Swedes celebrate on Christmas eve and here are some photos of our day.

A spreading his Santa glitter for Santa to find his way to our house

Treasure hunt, looking for clues

Found it!

Next clue?

Found treasure!

Christmas lunch

Kids are facing the spot where A spread his Santa glitter, waiting for him to land!
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More photos
Since I dont really have lots to tell right now, here are some more photos

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School photo
I havent shared the schoolphoto yet as it was going to be used as Christmas present but now everyone have gotten theirs so here it is.

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Not so well....
Things are not great here right now. My conjunctivitis seems to be giving in, finally, but instead I have a cold. When the kids are finally sleeping a bit longer in the mornings I wake up not able to go back to sleep again because of cough and runny nose.
Yesterday I left my mum and the kids at home and went to check out the sales but I wasnt too impressed. Mall was packed and (according to me) there were no bargains. Enjoyed the supermarket more though, got fillet of beef for new years dinner and a bunch of exciting things from the glutenfree freezer section.
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Lucky me!
I must have been a very good girl this year. Here is my christmas present!

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As some of you might know I like to check Flightradar24.com on a regular basis. Sometimes I check on Rs flights and sometimes Im just curious to know who is flying over us and where they are going. For Christmas they did a really cute thing where you can follow Santa and his raindeers on their way across the world.

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Merry Christmas!
Will take this opportunity to wish my readers a very happy xmas!
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Seems to be the norm not to feel well for xmas. The conjunctivitis that A had and then J was passed on to me. It started on my left eye yesterday and feels like you have sand in your eyes, it keeps watering and its full of a sitcky discharge so I cant see well. When I woke up this morning both my eyes were completely stuck together and A had to lead me to the bathroom for me to open them up with the help of water. Left eye then calmed down a bit, its not good but better and instead it the right one that´s killing me. Of course it sucks and I feel really sorry for myself ;)
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This is swedish xmas!

Candle in the snowballs

Mulled wine with gingerbread cookies!
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Mr. Snowman

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Really had a bit of a scare today when I was cooking and A asked me (in swedish but im translating here)
"How do you make children?"
Im totally taken by surprised and have no idea what to say so I ask him to repeat his question and it turns out he meant to ask
"How do you spell children"....
That was a bit too close for comfort....have to think it through a bit I think :)
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Am jetlagged and constantly tired so for now all I will post are some photos.
On Sunday A asked my mum: "When can we make stars with sugar on?". Apparently he remembered the pastry he had two years ago that no one has talked about since then.

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Cant believe it...
...just found out that while its 25 degrees here in Dubai, in my hometown its -17 degrees, ie a difference of 42 degrees!!! :O
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Hot Yoga
Today I was going to try the hot yoga (yoga in 40 degrees temperature) at the gym. I was not convinced beforehand as I suffer a lot with the heat, I dont even enjoy the sauna! My balance is crap, I move like fridge and this together with the heat meant I didnt cope. The instructor had said that if you couldnt cope it was best to try and stay in the room instead of leaving. At the same time he said not to drink too much. Of course I got dehydrated and felt unwell (dizzieness and upset stomach) but I wouldnt go out. My friend told me to try the child position which I did but it didnt help. Then she told me to go out of the room to catch my breath....good thing someone checks up on me :) When I got outsdie and I felt the joy of the cool air the tears came. I mentioned earlier that Im extra sensitive right now (probably period related) and I felt so disappointed. Disappointed that I couldnt cope and a the same time disappointed that I hadnt listened to my gut feeling and made a fool of myself by attending a class I wasnt able to do :(
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A bit down
Havent posted anything in a while, probably cause Im feeling a bit down. No idea why though, but the tears are never far away. Im hoping the trip to Sweden will do me good! Will be back as soon as I have some energy to spare...
DESS Christmas Fayre

A helicopter had landed on the football pitch!

No tears this year as opposed to last years panic!

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Festive wishes!

Every time we walk past Early Learning Centre in our community centre J insists on putting her head in this raindeer but we never had a camera. Yesterday we did so....
Festive wishes to my readers!
Football pratcice
Since we will be in Sweden next friday and the kids will miss the last football practice of this term their coach offered us to take them to another location this week to make up for it. Therefore we went to Safa Park yesterday for an extra football session.

J is wearing blue top and white shorts

At this location the age groups were split differently so J and A would not be in the same group and it was not the same coach they are used to. J happily went and played anyway but because of this A refused to do his lesson, claming he was afraid of the coach and the other children were so big!

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Little E
Last friday little E finally got to go home from hospital. We havent managed to talk to the family since then (busy day for us yesterday) so we dont know how things have been but Im sure it must be such a relief and joy to take your baby home. I also think it must be great to finally get to care for your baby 100% for the first time.
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Rise of the guardians
After football practice today we went to Dubai Mall to catch a movie. We saw Rise of the guardians and it was a great movie that I highly recommend. Slightly scary but you also walked out of the cinema all warm and fuzzy inside :)
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About time!
Finally his first tooth has come out! Its been loose for 6 months and he´s been dying for it to come out. With some help it came out tonight.

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Last flower
Finally a picture of the last kind of flower in our garden.

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Mrs. F
Mrs. F is the TA in J´s class, she was also the TA in A´s class last year and she is so sweet and lovely with the kids. Yesterday I got the sad news that she will not be returning to DESS after Christmas. I got a lump in my throat when I heard about it though I have to say Im not that surprised. Her husband moved to Qatar around easter I think while Mrs. F and her son stayed in Dubai. The husband came here over the weekends but I dont think you can keep that up forever. Its extra sad that she will leave in the middle of the scolastic year but I also understand that sometimes things happen fast, if a relationship deteriorating you might need to act fast to save it. (Note that I have no idea if that is the case here) Since A had her in his class last year I thought they might want to do a card for her and draw something nice. A said it was sad she is leaving but he would love to make her a nice card. J on the other hand went all sad and started crying, repeating "I will miss Mrs. F". My little one....When I read the email I had become quite sad myself thinking about all the happy times my kids had with her and of course I cried too when J was sad so we sat there, togther, hugging and crying. When she calmed down a bit she asked me if she can draw hearts on the card....some people really brightens your day, even for the kids and Im sure Mrs. F is one of them.
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The light!
I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel....the "fuzzyness" in my head is gone but I still cough quite a lot. Really hoping I will be well in a week´s time when we head to Sweden!
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Oh Christmas tree...
I couldnt decide if we should put up the Christmas tree or not as me and the kids wont be here from the 14th onwards but yesterday R and the kids came home with the intention to put up the tree. What could I do other than join them?

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I still have that cold. It hasnt gotten worse but neither better! Slightly blocked nose, slightly sore throat, slight cough but all fuzzy in my head, and exhausted! R took the kids to the pool this morning, to let me rest but I didnt manage, throat just kept tickling. In the afternoon we watched the usual Saturday move with saturday treats for the kids before A and I went quickly to IKEA to buy the last christmas present. Feels great to have that settled on the 1st of december :) Will have another early night...hoping I will soon feel better!
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More rain!
Yesterday afternoon we got even more rain! Thunder, lightning and raining cats and dogs. We can easily conclude that houses in Dubai were not built to withstand rain. We had water coming in around the windows in almost all the rooms....kids enjoyed it though :)

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Open swimlesson
A couple of weeks back J had her open swimlesson where parents get to come in and see a swimming PE lesson at school.

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Party time
Finally there was a birthdayparty that J could attend!

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