No pictures
I have so many pictures to show you but today is the third day that I cant upload stuff. Will contact the support and I will be back as soon as I know more.
Sportday part 2
Last friday J had her "sportsday", called funday for the youngest children. Neither me nor R really felt excited about going with all this moving stress but when we saw how much fun J had and how proud she was that we were there it made it all worth while. Ms. T had told the children that they would get a medal after funday and this was something J had been waiting for all week.

Marching in

Opening dances

Slalom with a watercup



Happy spectator

Sorting balls in the right colour bucket

Singing and rocking the baby

"head, shoulders, knees and toes"

"Me, me, me" calling for her medal

Sooo proud!

The whole group

Marching in

Opening dances

Slalom with a watercup



Happy spectator

Sorting balls in the right colour bucket

Singing and rocking the baby

"head, shoulders, knees and toes"

"Me, me, me" calling for her medal

Sooo proud!

The whole group
The farm part 2
Here are the promised pictures from my second visit to the farm.

San Andrea sports day 2011

Opening ceremony

Ms. A´s class

The grade 1´s doing their opening dance to a Waving Flag

A with two of his class mates

Balancing a beaniebag

A wth his beloved Ms. A

Opening ceremony

Ms. A´s class

The grade 1´s doing their opening dance to a Waving Flag

A with two of his class mates

Balancing a beaniebag

A wth his beloved Ms. A
When we had visitors here we went to the beach, too cold for me to get in the water, but A and R swam. Kids really enjoyed playing in the sand.

W day...or D day
Today is W R´s brother is getting married and it will be a busy day. Hairdresser is coming over at 10, both me and J needs a haircut and some styling. Rest after lunch and then it starts. Photosession at mother in laws house, A and me off to the brides parents home for another session (he needs to be there since he is pageboy and ring bearer. Then off to church where I meet up with R and J while A stays with the wedding party to be the first one to walk into church and last off to the venue. I hope the kids can rest well enough so they can stay up a bit extra.
Today is als o D day....divorce. Malta is holding a referendum on whether to allow divorce. Unfortunately I dont think it will pass since the church has been pushing very hard over easter when ppl that dont normally atten mass have been there. I got a ridiculous email from R´s father, basically it said that if you vote yes for divorce, this will not happen again and then there was this sweet story about an old man being in a rush to go see his wife. When asked why he said he had to go have breakfast with her, she has alzeimers and doesnt remember him. When asked why he goes every day if she doesnt remember him he said, cause I remember her. What the hell? As if you have to get divorced just cause you CAN? Come on! Now let´s see how intelligent the maltese ppl really are!
Today is als o D day....divorce. Malta is holding a referendum on whether to allow divorce. Unfortunately I dont think it will pass since the church has been pushing very hard over easter when ppl that dont normally atten mass have been there. I got a ridiculous email from R´s father, basically it said that if you vote yes for divorce, this will not happen again and then there was this sweet story about an old man being in a rush to go see his wife. When asked why he said he had to go have breakfast with her, she has alzeimers and doesnt remember him. When asked why he goes every day if she doesnt remember him he said, cause I remember her. What the hell? As if you have to get divorced just cause you CAN? Come on! Now let´s see how intelligent the maltese ppl really are!
London trip?
We were supposed to take the kids to London in March/April but had to cancel it all due to the unstability at R´s workplace. Now we are looking into the possibility to go before we move to Dubai. First year there will be tough and it will be hard for R to get leave etc so we want to try to go now when London is still fairly close. R is trying to change some flights around and hopefully we could go mid june. It would be so great, I just love London and I think the kids will love it too.
Continuing to pack
Fourth round to the recycling plant. It feels good to get rid of things. I really try to throw away as much as possible since I have no idea what kind of storage space the house will have but some things I just can not throw away. The cot mobile that both kids used for example, I plan to keep it until I have grandchildren :P The garage is ready now and we started in the washroom. I hope it wont take too long cause then we have to start packing toys and kitchen stuff we dont use on a daily basis. We try to collect banana boxes from the supermarket as often as we can, banana boxes are the best for packing things in. The ones we bought when we moved last time had no "handles" and they were slightly too big, they became really heavy if filled properly. Only two months until R is moving and we are heading off to Sweden, Im reallly looking forward now!
Birthday present thoughts
Have stared to think about what to get for J for her birthday. She will be turning 3 in July and we dont want to give her something big (sizewise) since we will need to pack it up just a few days later but on the other hand she is at that age where they really love birthdays and want as many presents as possible. When asked what she wants for her birthday she says "princess". My mum got her a Rapunzel dress (from the move Tangled) and I want to stay on the princess theme however I dont want to buy yet another costume so after lots of thinking and googling I came to a decision. I will make her a deocrating cushin (for her bed in Dubai) in the shape of a princess crown and get her a few books about princesses, some in swedish and some in english. Apart from that I got her a princess crown from ebay to match with the Rapunzel outfit.
Some more pictures will come any day now but right now I only have energy for an update.
We had a great time with my dad here however I think it was very strange for the kids that he was not staying with us, they missed having him around in the mornings and evenings etc. Lots of good dinners and I "celebrated" my birthday with dinner at Meet Argentinian Steakhouse. The food is just great and I enjoyed it alot!
When it comes to the Dubai updates we have decided to fill a container and we will take as much of our furniture as we think we can have use for. The price for sending the container is too much to justify it if we dont bring some furniture so we can save some money on what we have to buy once there. After all, most of the stuff was bought when we moved to our new place only 2 years ago, things can come with us. We feel like we really want to send a container so we dont limit ourselves in what we can bring when it comes to things that do not really have money value but we´d like to bring anyway. And kids stuff, toys and books, they would want them there.
Yesterday we got brilliant news, A got a place at the school we had picked as first preference. We havent seen it, we just went with the opinion of the maltese canadian couple (J and J) that visited us a couple of week ago, they seemed like 2my kind of people" so I trust that things will be good and if not we can always look for another school for next year. We were really happy though cause he had been put on waiting list, as number 10 we were told and we thought we´d have to look for another school, at least for the first year but as J had said, if you chase them a bit they will give you a place. And so we did, we tried to find a reason to contact them on a weekly basis and also slipping in the question about if there was a spot for A, and highlighting that they were our first choice etc etc. Seems it paid off :D
Yesterday I went with J for an outing, we went to the same farm I went to with grade 1 last week. She enjoyed it and pictures will follow when I have the energy to upload them. Right now im knackered, we started clearing out the garage and already took 3 carloads of rubbish to the recycling plant. We will try to push hard with the packing so we make sure we wont be too stressed the last week before its time to load the container.
We had a great time with my dad here however I think it was very strange for the kids that he was not staying with us, they missed having him around in the mornings and evenings etc. Lots of good dinners and I "celebrated" my birthday with dinner at Meet Argentinian Steakhouse. The food is just great and I enjoyed it alot!
When it comes to the Dubai updates we have decided to fill a container and we will take as much of our furniture as we think we can have use for. The price for sending the container is too much to justify it if we dont bring some furniture so we can save some money on what we have to buy once there. After all, most of the stuff was bought when we moved to our new place only 2 years ago, things can come with us. We feel like we really want to send a container so we dont limit ourselves in what we can bring when it comes to things that do not really have money value but we´d like to bring anyway. And kids stuff, toys and books, they would want them there.
Yesterday we got brilliant news, A got a place at the school we had picked as first preference. We havent seen it, we just went with the opinion of the maltese canadian couple (J and J) that visited us a couple of week ago, they seemed like 2my kind of people" so I trust that things will be good and if not we can always look for another school for next year. We were really happy though cause he had been put on waiting list, as number 10 we were told and we thought we´d have to look for another school, at least for the first year but as J had said, if you chase them a bit they will give you a place. And so we did, we tried to find a reason to contact them on a weekly basis and also slipping in the question about if there was a spot for A, and highlighting that they were our first choice etc etc. Seems it paid off :D
Yesterday I went with J for an outing, we went to the same farm I went to with grade 1 last week. She enjoyed it and pictures will follow when I have the energy to upload them. Right now im knackered, we started clearing out the garage and already took 3 carloads of rubbish to the recycling plant. We will try to push hard with the packing so we make sure we wont be too stressed the last week before its time to load the container.
Its been a while since last time again, with vistiors and a move what feels around the corner, blogging is not on the top of the priority list. Here are some pictures from the outing I went for with A.

A was very proud to hold these little birds, especially after not daring the owl in Mdina the day before

A was very proud to hold these little birds, especially after not daring the owl in Mdina the day before

Next visit
Last sunday our next visitors came, my dad, his sister and their mum. We picked them up at the airport and headed up to the parents in law´s flat where the guest are going to be staying for a week. Since it was mother´s day we didnt even try to get a table in a restaurant but had some Doner Kebab from a place around the corner. Then we went to Mdina for "Medieval Mdina". Lots of people but a nice initiative.

The kids started showing interest in taking photos so we gave them our old camera. Here is J taking a picture of a bird (falcon?)

Both kids wanted to hold the owl but A got afraid of its beak (as usual), J didnt hesitate though (as usual) :)

The kids started showing interest in taking photos so we gave them our old camera. Here is J taking a picture of a bird (falcon?)

Both kids wanted to hold the owl but A got afraid of its beak (as usual), J didnt hesitate though (as usual) :)

Birthday party!
Last Saturday the kids attended the first party that they were both invited to. The playarea at the airport had been rented and the kids had a blast in the end. We just about made with all the traffic there was, I dont know what everyone was doing out on a sat at around noon :O There has been lots of birthday talk since we have quite a few coming up in may (half my family has their birthdays in may) and the fact that my mum is going to be here when J turns 3 has made A VERY concerned about the fact that he is going to have his birthday in Dubai cause WHO is going to be there for HIS birthday? The mother of the birthdaychild below has said that they want to come when there is Dubai Airshow (which is going to take place just a couple of days after his birthday) so I really hope they will come. Check out the cake (below) she made and guess who I will ask to do the cake? :D

The birthday girl enjoying her nuggets

The birthday girl enjoying her nuggets

Mother´s day concert
Last sunday was mother´s day in Malta and as usual the mothers of the pre-nursery childred were invited for a mother´s day concert the friday before. Just as was the case for the christmas concert J spent most of the time looking astonished but after a while joined the others doing the movements to the songs before it was time for the kids to present their mothers with presents they made themselves <3

A normal thursday...
...and R was inspired and we decided to bbq on the roof. It was really good and a success up until R managed to tip the bbq over, dropping our chicken (for salad the following day) and charchoal all over his feet!

Windy day in Mdina
My mum was really unlucky with the weather but that is how it is in April, you cant rely on sunny days.

Some coffee at Tigne


....and after chocolate cake, guess if it was good? ;)
Swedish easter lunch
We did a try at making a swedish easter lunch since thanks to Candynavia we found some typical swedish easter things.

Typical swedish easter decoration

Typical swedish easter decoration
Easter picnic
On Easter eve we went to Buskett for a picnic, lovely weather and the easter rooster (we dont have a bunny in sweden, but a rooster) that grandma thought she heard on the plane had ineed visited Malta. With swedish candy in the eggs!!

J resting after lunch

First egg found!

A total of four (!) eggs, two each

What´s inside?

J resting after lunch

First egg found!

A total of four (!) eggs, two each

What´s inside?

Since I havent found a hairdresser that I feel cut A´s hair well enough I do it myself, with a machine. Even though R thinks its a bit short, and says he looks like a hooligan, I like it. I love how his beautiful eyes really come out when his hair is so short.

Lunch at Mirabelle
My mum here on visit, here we are having lunch at one of our fav restaurants, Mirabelle in Bugibba

Baking figolli (plural of figolla), a kind of cake filled with ground almond and sugar is a maltese easter tradition. R baked with the kids and here is how it went down

Fresh from the oven

Decorating with icing

Happy daddy decorating (A taking the photo)

Guess who tastes the icing? :P

Fresh from the oven

Decorating with icing

Happy daddy decorating (A taking the photo)

Guess who tastes the icing? :P
One day we decided to go exploring a bit on the rocks near the sea, it was a lovely day and here we stopped for a drink.

So beautiful when they sleep
Kids are so beautiful and peaceful when they sleep, I can stay looking at them forever!

Cheeky monkeys :)
Here are some pics of my cheeky monkeys in our bed one early morning, enjoy!

And here is another one of little J, I love her eyes!

And here is another one of little J, I love her eyes!

My little sweetheart
These pictures were taken in March. After we had put the kids to bed we could hear someone in the corridor but we decided to ignore it thinking whoever it was would come talk to us or go to bed, but we were wrong. When we went in the corridor we found little J sleeping on the floor! If you look closely you can see that she wet herself and Im guessing that what happened was that she came out to wee but for some reason didnt come to tell us, finally slept in the corridor and then wet herself, she wasnt even cold when we found her <3

Short update
We did find out the details about the insurance (we think) and now its settled 100% that we are moving to Dubai. It feels a bit stressful though cause there is lots to do. On top of everything my dad, aunt and granny came to visit us for a week today!
Waiting to confirm
R has not confirmed the contract online yet because of unclear information. Im starting to get a bit stressed out with the situation but we cant just pick up and leave without knowing that the insurance will cover after 2 years, healthcare there is really expensive. Its not like you´d want to live in Dubai if you just about make ends meet. The problem is that all of a sudden it turned out that there was a list of pre existing conditions that are not covered after the two years waiting and when we asked what they were they said congential ones. Not to have to pay they COULD claim that I was born with it, only it didnt show until now so we had to dig deeper. The contact had to check with her boss and R call back the following day (yesterday) but he never go through to the contact so he called his co-ordinator that promised to check it out for him. She called back and said that ALL pre-existing conditions are covered. What to think? No answer on the phone today, just have to keep chasing so he can confirm the contract and we can go on planning and preparing, right now its a bit of a standstill.