We spent the whole day in a shopping centre yesterday. Left from home at 9.30 and returned after 17.30! The kids were really brave and walked all day, looking at this and that. I bought quite a few things, both on sale and normal price and I have to say I dont feel like I bought anything we didnt really need!
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Circus photos
The tent
The crew
The clowns
The elephants
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Birthday b´fast
B´fast and presents in bed!
A watch!
The cake
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.....
Uncle H showing her how to use his gift
She managed!
Playing football with grandpa
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4 years ago....
More or less exactly 4 years ago we were leaving from a bbq at R´s sister in laws house, full and happy but me with a strange feeling in my belly (thought I was going to get sick!) but it turned out it was the start of the birth of little J. Woke up at around 2.30 and realised I was having contractions but didnt wake up R, instead I spent the night by the computer timing the contractions. When R woke up and came to see what was going on I sent him back to bed saying I was sure it was going to stop (I couldnt believe I was going to be lucky enought that she would come out 10 days early!). At 7.30 though I told him we need to go in slowly, called his parents to take care of A and went in. No delivery room ready for us but after they cleaned one we got our room and about 10 minutes later our little J was born! Although you drive me insane many a times I love you more and more every day and Im so proud of the little princess you have become.
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Im back...for a while at least (when we go visit my grandmother I wont have interent). No energy to re-live the travelling for now so we´ll just continue where we´re at. We are having a great time, A is so happy and thankful for most things but in particular all the good food. J is so excited to sit forward facing in the car, playing with her uncle and the greenery. The weather has been great so far (knock on wood), perfect temperatue, some sun, some clouds and a bit of rain. Hope it stays like this :)
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First b´fast
Our first lovely bfast in Sweden!
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A and his dad....
A doesnt want to talk to his dad on skype, he wants to write to him instead!
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Birthday preparations
I cant believe J is going to be 4....time passes too quickly! Today was dedicated to preparing for the big day. We have baked two kinds of biscuits, birthday cake and an iced sponge cake. We have also prepared the bfast as she wakes up so early every morning and our tradition is that you should get bfast and presents in bed on your birthday!
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Close call
This morning I thought we wouldnt be able to travel tomorrow as I woke up with what I thought was a gastric! Had to run to the toilet constantly for 2 hours, then I managed to sneak ½ hour rest and woke up feeling much better. Seems like it was one of those short things like I had on my birthday too. Have eaten some lunch and dinner and have kept it so Im counting on us travelling tomorrow.
Everything is packed (apart from things I have to take out of the fridge tomorrow), bags are closed and the kids are in their beds too excited to sleep. Hoping they will sleep soon tough, alarm is set for 5 am tomorrow!
Dont know if I will have time to blog from Malta but I will be back!
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Its getting close now....
....soon we are leaving for two whole months! Normally I dont stress out about travelling, I´ve done it enough times, but this time its like something is different. Lots of stuff to do right up until the day we are leaving and probably mostly cause R is not around the last two days. I like to discuss with him when I pack, "do I need this"? "will this be useful?" etc. Thankfully we did pack before he left so one a few bits and pieces left but its still strange to be alone right now.
Today is the last day of school/nursery for this scholastic year. Im feeling a bit emotional and so are the kids. A has been so excited to go to Year 1 and J to go to "big school" with her brother but this morning when we said its the last day all of a sudden they wanted to remain where they are :) I can understand them, of course it must be a bit scary to leave what you "know", get a new teacher (and as for J, a brand new set of classmates!) but I know they will be happy next year too. We are so happy with the school! I cant wait for the suitcases to be ready packed, THAT is when I will be able to relax again. Right now whenever I think about leaving I start worrying if I have packed everything that we need :D
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Random pics
Kids enjoying the sprinklers with C, that visited last weekend
Kids ready for the movies!
Sun setting on our way home from dinner at Nando´s on Sunday evening
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Swimming lesson
A has really improved his swimming since we moved to Dubai, very much thanks to the school swimming and the extra curricular swimming he has been doing since January. From being at the "bottom group" he has moved up to middle and now in the top group! I remembered to bring the camera for some photos last time.
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Danny the dragon
As per usual disorganisation from J´s nursery they started something new that they wont be able to finish. A class mascot was introduced for someone to go home with ever weekend. You are expected to take photos and put in book to show your friends on sunday. This they started with less than two months left of term so no way everyone will have their turn at taking him home. I dont think its fair, they should have just started it next year instead so no one has to feel left out. Luckily J got to take him home though and here is what we did when he was around.
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Our friends here for a playdate
A and their youngest like eachother, A says "she is sooo cute"
A and their youngest like eachother, A says "she is sooo cute"
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Under the sea
J´s swimteacher brought her underwater camera and took some pictures during the lesson yesterday.
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Tooth fairy
As I suspected the dentist decided to pull the tooth today. I had been a bit worried that she would find it scary this time and be afraid of dentists in the future but she was as brave as last time. She did cry a bit when he gave the anesthetic her but all in all it was a very quick and easy visit. She wanted to hold my hand and looked on with wide eyes when he took out the tool to grab and pull the tooth. For me it seemed like it took long to get it out but J was fine all the time and was very excited to see her tooth with its big root. The dentist said that she did really well, normally they wouldnt have tried to do it without sedatives so of course Im an extra proud mama today! I dont think she will be afraid after this as she happily skipped out of the dentist room with her tooth in a box. As she went to bed she put it under her pillow hoping for the toothfairy to come by tonight :)
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A commotion in the ocean
In may the reception classes at DESS had their performance "A commotion in the ocean" and many very proud parents came to see them.
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Back to the dentist
As we were having dinner tonight the fixed part of J´s tooth fell off so now I have to call first thing tomorrow morning and hopefully get a new emergency appointment. Will keep you posted....
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It IS HOT now...
Today I thought I was going to sweat away. It was 49 degrees HOT and I had the afternoon pick up at school. After that J had her swimming lesson and because of my burn injury (that IS much better but the skin is peeling off and the skin underneath is very pink so I dont dare swimming in "dirty" pool water) had to stay next to the pool in the heat. Heat makes me so short tempered! I have to brag a bit about J and her swimming though. She has learnt so much in just two months and she practically swims, and most importantly, she likes to be in the water and spends more time under than above!
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Eventhough there´s still another week and a half to go before summer holidays start J´s nursery had a graduation ceremony. The kids sang a couple of songs and then we had some photo opportunities with the teachers before some snacks in the lunch room. Although it wasnt the best organised event (as always!) I have to say it wasnt the worst we have attended either.....
With best friend R
With head teacher Ms. A
With assistant teacher Ms. C
With arabic teacher
With best friend R
With head teacher Ms. A
With assistant teacher Ms. C
With arabic teacher
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