My scooter....

...or how to be rude to your friend.

To re-connect to the whole "keep your husband on a short leash" theme I wanted to share this story to show how J already has it figured out. I think J has a bit of a crush on a guy in her class at nursery. She always talks about K and whenever she is asked who her friends are she mentions him first. The other day when I went to pick her up I brought her scooter to make the walk home faster. I arrived to nursery at the same time as K´s father, parked the scooter by the entrance and went to get J. When we came out again K was checking out the scooter and when J saw this she shouted "NO! That is my scooter" Poor K was totally shocked and got off it as quickly as he could and I also think he got a bit afraid/hurt so while they went to get his backpack I told J about the importance to share, even the things that are our own, that K was sad and that it was not a nice thing to do to a friend etc. Then I suggested that she would go tell K that he could try her scooter from the nursery to the parking as an excuse. At first she didnt want but I managed to convince her and she went up to a still upset K that was complaining to his dad. Stubborn as the best female he refused to use the scooter as "she said no" etc. His dad tried to convince him by saying that that was cause its not allowed to ride scooters inside but outside its fine but the boy was not stupid. "I will not be J´s friend, EVER" he said. The dad laughed and added "until tomorrow morning". Anyways we went seperate ways when they headed to their car and we started walking home but as they drove passed us K was standing up in the car with half his body outside through the sunroof (the safety and stupidity in that will not be discussed here, it deserves a whole post at a later stage) waving and calling "bye J" over and over. Now it was J´s turn to be stubborn, he just looked the other way and refued to wave back! I lauged to myself and said they are like an old married couple!


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